I lived in the city for some time after living in the country as a kid. I moved back to the country after my brother was murdered, I just couldn't see living in a place that was supposedly safer with a large police force. I'm not knocking the police mind you, the extreme manhunt they performed to catch the scum that shot my brother was exemplary. I don't know if they looked so hard because he was a soldier on leave, and I don't care if that was their reason. They did a great job. I can't thank them enough.

My questions are:

1. Do you live in the Country or City?

2. Did you move to either because you thought it was safer for you and your family?

3. In either place do you carry at home or stash firearms in strategic places(where you sit, areas of the house you are in the most)?

I'm just wondering what everybody else does when it comes to home defense. I don't have any small children so having stash spots is what works best for me ( I have a stainless .38 in my bathroom drawer, hey you are never more compromised!) Plus I have visitors(family) who might be alarmed and think I was crazy for carrying at home. I also like to keep a bolt action .22 mag by the door that I let my dogs out to go to the restroom. I learned this lesson after my american pittbull got sprayed by a skunk while killing it and my english mastiff got into it with the biggest groundhog I had ever seen(they are well fed around here?). She killed it but took some bites and scratches(glad she is up on her shots!) and 2 stiches. Maybe some better options are out there, I'm just trying to see if any exists.