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Thread: How long before we're dealing with the next 'shortage' and are you ready?

  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Onyx Z View Post
    If one were going to stock up on parts for the next scare, what would be the best parts? I remember lower's & LPK's were VERY hard to come by, so those are no-brainers, but what else?
    don't forget mags and ammo.

    I would suggest stocking up on all these now: lowers, LPKs, BCG's, and mags.

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dub View Post
    Could be tomorrow. And no I would guess Im not "ready" as I haven't cleaned out my local stores....and I don't lose sleep at night. Nor do I have any plans to "stock up".
    Well, good for you. Aren't you morally superior?

  3. #53
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    After reading some of the responses on this thread I am all but assured of a shortage. Not because of anything actually being done, but because of the hyperbole from those who don't understand the legal process.

    We had a mass shooting of 20 children and 6 adults using an "assault weapon" (arguably the worst in US history) while the most left wing anti gun President in history was in power. We had a 10 month full on antigun media blitz with partisan commenators spreading all kinds of propaganda and politicians going on and guaranteeing all kinds of bans. Then we had the stuttering, tongue tied Wayne LaPierre out there scandering every chance to squash these lies and articulate our position.

    Was I scared? Damned staight I was. Scared to death.

    ...and what happened? NOTHING. You had a few already antigun States pass more pointless laws and one one traditionally progun State, CO, pass some crap. What happened in CO? Two people recalled and another quit. Now there is a repeal bill. Chicago's gun ban was lifted and CCW was legalised in IL. More PROGUN legislation was passed than antigun legistlation. Mayors are running from Bloomburg and the DNC has asked him to tone it down lest they lose the Senate.

    Then you have Chaiman Moabama talking about executive orders which were largely toothless. His order for the CDC to conduct unbiased research backfired when the finding basically backed up every point the pro gun crowd has ever made.

    Could something happen? I guess, but it seems increadibly unlikely. Believe me I am always worried. I watch or listen to the news all day while working and at home. I also Google recent stories on "Gun Control" several times a week.

    If there is another mass panic the gun community will have to take the lions share of the blame. And dont think the producers at CNN dont get off on shaking their stick in our hornets nest.
    Last edited by OldState; 02-07-14 at 09:49.
    "A flute without holes, is not a flute. A donut without a hole, is a Danish." - Ty Webb

  4. #54
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    With the current admin in power, I feel it would be foolish for anyone who remotely values the 2A to let their guard down. And depending on how things go in 2016, well, it ain't looking too good so far. Hillary has bigger balls than Obama and if she takes the thrown, which at this point is almost a guarantee, we may be in for another 4 year fight.

  5. #55
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    The best reason to stock up is to profit off of the fukktards who wait til the panic hits. It's like a stupid tax. And they well deserve it.
    "What would a $2,000 Geissele Super Duty do that a $500 PSA door buster on Black Friday couldn't do?" - Stopsign32v

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by markm View Post
    The best reason to stock up is to profit off of the fukktards who wait til the panic hits. It's like a stupid tax. And they well deserve it.
    Do you work in the gun industry? Sounds like a great business model.

    ....well stock up and then encourage panic...
    Last edited by OldState; 02-07-14 at 12:02.
    "A flute without holes, is not a flute. A donut without a hole, is a Danish." - Ty Webb

  7. #57
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    Lets be honest.

    The current regime WOULD have passed all sorts of gun legislation if they could. We just got lucky and they got stopped.

    We stand a VERY good chance of getting Hillary in 2016, along with other radical Democrats getting elected to Congress and various blue state offices. One more mass shooting and media blitz and oh yes..we could EASILY face another shortage.

    Having the belief that "oh well...they really did not pass much THIS time..." is a VERY short sighted view if you ask me.

    ...keep buying and stocking up


  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by brickboy240 View Post
    Lets be honest.

    The current regime WOULD have passed all sorts of gun legislation if they could. We just got lucky and they got stopped.

    We stand a VERY good chance of getting Hillary in 2016, along with other radical Democrats getting elected to Congress and various blue state offices. One more mass shooting and media blitz and oh yes..we could EASILY face another shortage.

    Having the belief that "oh well...they really did not pass much THIS time..." is a VERY short sighted view if you ask me.

    ...keep buying and stocking up

    +1 on stocking up now while its cheap and available.

    Can someone Please just take out Hillary in the running for 2016?? I know a few of you guys have suppressed AR's. j/k

    I'm not a big politics person, so I don't get why Billary is the top runner for the next presidency when this retard we have now managed to screw up the country even more in his 2 terms. Aren't there any better candidates? heck I thought Bush Jr wasn't too bad at all even though he got made fun of and blamed for many things. At least he was not anti from what I can remember.

    Not trying to turn this into a politics thread. I'm genuinely curious why everyone says Hillary is the next president to-be. If she becomes Queen of the Damn, well we're all doomed...

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by JusticeM4 View Post
    +1 on stocking up now while its cheap and available.

    Can someone Please just take out Hillary in the running for 2016?? I know a few of you guys have suppressed AR's. j/k

    I'm not a big politics person, so I don't get why Billary is the top runner for the next presidency when this retard we have now managed to screw up the country even more in his 2 terms. Aren't there any better candidates? heck I thought Bush Jr wasn't too bad at all even though he got made fun of and blamed for many things. At least he was not anti from what I can remember.

    Not trying to turn this into a politics thread. I'm genuinely curious why everyone says Hillary is the next president to-be. If she becomes Queen of the Damn, well we're all doomed...
    Because the majority of dumb f**k American voters have proven to care more about free shit, entitlements, and all the other bullshit programs & policies.

  10. #60
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    Well, we have a couple of years to at least try and change that.

    I'm really not looking for another democratic president the next time around. If we get one, a shortage is certain.

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