Quote Originally Posted by CGS View Post
I am 99% off the top of my head that there is currently a trailer bill in the general assembly which will slap Chicago and Cook in the face. Having said that, if the bill doesn't get passed it'll be tested in court. I am urging my students to comply with Chicago law until we see how that works out, knowing it'll take a few years sucks but it is what it is. Some poor soul will find out for us.

We still need to work on alot in this state. The showing at IGOLD yesterday was pretty short. People seem to think we won because we now have concealed carry. We have a bad bill that needs to be fixed. We have alot of anti gun bills in the general assembly currently, including registration. We're not done by a long shot. I think we need to slap alot of illinois gun owners back into reality that we won a major victory but the war for our rights is far from over.
CGS, I was under the impression the AWB in Crook and Chiraq was dumped with the adoption of concealed carry and preemtion. There was a big push by local dems to convince towns to enact an AWB as the carry law only gave them a short time to add one or they wouldn't be able to, ever. Only a few towns added one. Or was there a double deal special for Crook and Chi? I can't find anything on it of course.....