Trying out one of the new "enhanced" BCG's on the market. I was curious if this is indicative of carrier tilt, or not. The Buffer Tube is completely un-marked.

Upper has about 1200 rounds on it in "before" pictures, and I put 150 or so rounds on it with the new carrier in the "after" photos. Mostly suppressed.




I also noted that ejection shifted forward by about 2 hours on the clock face. I will need to step up to a heavier buffer (Middy 16.1", running Sprinco Blue and H currently). Suppressed it was ejecting so forcefully when wet/clean that it hit the front of the ejection port, and when hot moved to 1-2 o'clock. Unsuppresed it was ejecting at around 3. It used to do about 1:30-2 hours back, all around, from that. So it does seem to be functioning with less friction.