RE Factor's targets


This comment was posted in the SSD post

"Weaver says:
August 25, 2015 at 18:34
Notice how far a standard IPSC target has to be elevated to get the head box correct anatomically – and what effect this has on the rest of the body of the target

To be sure, the “vital zone” of an IPSC target is too low (adjusted for by LAV when he designed the IDPA target), but trying to correct for both leaves absurdly high shoulders."

Mr Weaver might take a while to respond to my query:

"sorry, I must have run out of caffeine, but, are you saying these targets are “off” or “too low” vs VTAC’s targets?
sorry, just trying to understand the statement.
Not trying to flame but trying to learn something here.

Perhaps someone else can reply here. I'm curious as to what is Mr Weaver saying. I'm trying to learn as much as possible.

Again, not trying to flame Mr Weaver's statement, merely trying to get clarity and knowledge.
Thank you.