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Thread: #Axewieldingmaniclives matter

  1. #11
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    “I can’t really put into words how I feel about the fact that one of the nicest people I ever met was shot because an officer felt threatened,” McDermott told the Morning News.

    Falling in line with most people's ridiculous disdain for self-defense in general, this attitude is pervasive and toxic.
    It is the same attitude that is allowing the enemy to destroy us. This view that standing up for one's self is wrong and immoral, and that the aggressor must be accommodated and appeased, is disgusting.

    Paradoxically, this is actually a survival mechanism of the weak. The risk/benefit assessment of the weak favors cowing to the enemy, hoping they spare you as you throw your fellow tribe member under the bus in an attempt to save your sorry ass.
    This needs to be stamped out, and without mercy. Tribe members who do this are a liability and ought to be, well, purged.

    Quote Originally Posted by THCDDM4 View Post
    The average persons perception of LEO is so F'd up and retarded.

    This is how most people think when it comes to LEO's:

    1) All cops are idiots who are just looking to hurt you when "you" aren't in trouble and don't need their assistance.
    2) All cops suddenly become people to be counted upon to save you when "you" do NEED their assistance
    3) When it comes to dealing with "Bad guys" cops are the most well trained superhuman dudes out there- able to do magic and disarm violent people without cause for alarm or potential injury/death. They just shoot them to murder them- not to put down the threat in the most viable and realistic way.
    4) When it comes to regular citizens gun rights- cops are all snipers and operators and the general public cannot be trusted with guns.
    5) When it comes to actual real world shooting and MMQB'ing- cops cant shoot worth shit and shouldn't have guns or be militarized- they just need to be like those club wielding whistle blowing bobby's in Britain.

    This is how most people think regarding many subjects. They demonize when it helps along their worldview/opinion/politics/agenda- and then do an about face when it helps along their worldview/opinion/politics/agenda.

    People are dumb, they do not use logic, they cannot intellectualize any longer and they are mush brained little slaves beating the drums of their inept "leaders" and repeating word for word what the MSM tells them.

    All of this racism masquerading as social justice is flowing from the top down- our Government is trying ever so hard to ignite a race war and come in all protecty and righteous like to "save" us from ourselves when things go sideways- how will they save us? By further dismantling our Constitution, taking away our rights and suppressing liberty.

    This is a brave new 1984 don't you know- up is down and down is up. Get used to it or fight it tooth and nail.
    Well said.
    The cognitive dissonance is astounding.

    Quote Originally Posted by FromMyColdDeadHand View Post
    That was a high-capacity forestry tool. He should have never been able to get anything bigger than a hatchet....

    IF you paint it black, does it become a tactical axe? When is MAGpull coming out with a replacement handle?
    Only lumberjacks and carpenters should be allowed such dangerous tools.
    Universal background checks, registration, and no Short Handled Axes (they're concealable and stuff).

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by sevenhelmet View Post
    My thought was drugs or alcohol. Once again, the cops and guns aren't the problem, encouraging people to be unique and insane snowflakes is.

    It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for...
    I'd like the tox screen to be released. I suspect he was on more than just alcohol.

    The quiet ones are the killers, just ask a former friend of mine from high school. He can be found in the Idaho State Penn.
    Reads a lot, posts little.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vandal View Post
    I always love the comments about disarming someone with a knife or in this case, axe. An axe gives the wielder speed and reach like a baton but with a friggin' axe head on it. I'd like one of those whiny, safe space dwelling kids to try to take a axe away from a dude.

    The closest I even came to shooting someone as a cop was a crazy (literally) chick trying to break into her parents house to take her 2 year old back. She had a 4ft flat spade and kept looking back and forth at my partner and I and the sliding glass door. I remember telling her if she took another step she'd be shot. Thankfully my partner Tased her before she could think much more. Taser plus lethal cover just in case.

    Advancing on the cops, or anyone really, with an axe. and that decision becomes pretty easy. I'm going home.

    They just had to bring up McDonald too. Still trying to keep traction there.
    I couldn't agree with this ^ more..Alot of people don't realize it, but an axe (especially a good quality axe) can easily be sharpened up with files, stones, until you can shave hair from your arm, (I know I own one that's that sharp) add a 24" handle, and now you have a weapon with a razor edge that has a steel head that weighs about 2-3 lbs, that's very easy to swing quickly. Lopping an arm off, would be no problem.. A sharp axe is a vicious weapon.
    There's a race of men who don't fit in, A race that can't stay still, So, they break the hearts of kith and kin, and roam the world at will..

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralph View Post
    I couldn't agree with this ^ more..Alot of people don't realize it, but an axe (especially a good quality axe) can easily be sharpened up with files, stones, until you can shave hair from your arm, (I know I own one that's that sharp) add a 24" handle, and now you have a weapon with a razor edge that has a steel head that weighs about 2-3 lbs, that's very easy to swing quickly. Lopping an arm off, would be no problem.. A sharp axe is a vicious weapon.
    Don't think you'd need to waste all that time sharpening an axe past general pointy when it comes to cracking open a human skull like an eggshell.

    People who think coos should go hand to hand with a axe wielding loonatic need to be allowed the privilege of doing so. Preferably before they have a chance to procreate.

  5. #15
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    Here's a crazy idea: don't want to get shot by a cop? don't do stupid sh!t like running around shooting a pistol in the air, or vandalizing cars with an axe! Stupid hurts, sometimes it's even fatal.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba FAL View Post
    Here's a crazy idea: don't want to get shot by a cop? don't do stupid sh!t like running around shooting a pistol in the air, or vandalizing cars with an axe! Stupid hurts, sometimes it's even fatal.
    Dude just wanted to get his freak on and have a good time like PCP knife bro in shitcago. Cops be discriminating on these free spirits just tryin' to express themselves.
    "I pity thou, fools who dost not choose BCM" - King Arthur 517 A.D.


  7. #17
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    As an LEO, rational thinker, veteran, American, real man, and not a pussy, I can't wrap my head around the stupidity of the protesters in most instances, but ESPECIALLY in this instance.

    "He shot him 4 times. Point Blank!" -Point blank is a little close for me and a guy with an axe, sounds like the officers showed TOO much restraint before shooting.

    "He could've just disarmed him!" -Well, I've been trained in MCMAP, PPCT, and FBI Defensive Tactics, and I can't recall the "disarm axe wielding suspect" move...

    I fear for our future, both the country and the future of professional law enforcement.

  8. #18
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    'McMillan was a second-year transfer student from Fort Worth studying pre-hospitality'

    What the hell is pre-hospitality?

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by 26 Inf View Post
    'McMillan was a second-year transfer student from Fort Worth studying pre-hospitality'

    What the hell is pre-hospitality?
    That's where you learn how to run prostitution and drugs before you get into the actual operations of a motel.
    "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke

    "It is better to be thought a fool and to remain silent, than to speak and remove all doubt." -Abraham Lincoln

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralph View Post
    I couldn't agree with this ^ more..Alot of people don't realize it, but an axe (especially a good quality axe) can easily be sharpened up with files, stones, until you can shave hair from your arm, (I know I own one that's that sharp) add a 24" handle, and now you have a weapon with a razor edge that has a steel head that weighs about 2-3 lbs, that's very easy to swing quickly. Lopping an arm off, would be no problem.. A sharp axe is a vicious weapon.
    When I was a Scout we had some gathering where we were doing merit badge tasks and one of them was sharpen a rather large axe. It was one station with one Scout Master watching the task being performed. About 10 Scouts sharpened the same axe before he took a close look at it. That thing was so sharp it shaved the hair off of his arm and about one thin layer of skin.
    I'm pretty sure if you were swinging for the fence you could have cut someone in half vertically from skullcap to scrotum with that damned thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vandal View Post
    I'd like the tox screen to be released. I suspect he was on more than just alcohol.

    The quiet ones are the killers, just ask a former friend of mine from high school. He can be found in the Idaho State Penn.
    I bet that toxicology report is going to show a pharmacological flea market along with a vicious amount of alcohol.

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