NO I do not either

I am saying the companies are doing this now with legit and no flying zones by GPS
the thing just wont go into the zone

I was not saying have the gov do that no way hahaahahah

and agree I say no nothing !!!! but break the no fly zones for solid reasons as in air space near a airport you get in trouble !!! again target the bad guys not wide spread everyone kinda thing which is sadly what happens

Quote Originally Posted by jpmuscle View Post
Absolutely not.

I don't want .gov writing software for anything. I don't want Chevy et al. Disabling my cell when I get in my car.

As for the drones come to DC and fly one line of site into a myriad of any restricted areas and see how it goes. The police will find you and they will have a chat with you about it. You probably won't go to jail but you'll think twice before doing it again.

That being said, passing laws to mandate licensing and registration isn't going to stop ISIS from putting explosives on one and dropping into a crowd.

Get real people. Laws don't stop actions and behavior. In this context their only purpose is to expand the investigative authority of the gov to further and unnecessarily intrude into the lives of we the people.

Maybe we should have a no buy no drone list? Please...

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