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Thread: Crossfit...Cult, or Culture?

  1. #1
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    Crossfit...Cult, or Culture?

    Like many, I've heard of Crossfit, and I've seen the disparaging meme's on Facebook, etc. However, I decided to try it...

    What I had done before, was work out by myself, and with a trainer once I ended up at 175# and 10% body fat. I wanted to bulk, and to correct "holes", such as my shoulders/traps, and pecs, etc. My trainer helped me out, and I did a semi-clean bulk up to 205#. However, I moved, and went back to working out by myself.

    Staples in my routine were:

    Dumbell bench

    Along with of course "pretty" exercises, such as bench, curls, etc.

    Anyway, I felt like I had "hit a wall". I just didn't feel like what I was doing would "help me in the real world". People and things in the real world don't follow singular movement planes, etc. etc.

    Along came the desire to cut, as well. So I joined a group that did "functional strength" stuff involving sand-bags, tractor tires, ropes, etc. However, they were primarily focused on training runners. They competed in marathons, etc. and while they were "fit", they did not have the explosive brute power I was after. They "looked like long-distance runners", and that isn't / wasn't my goal.

    Enter Cross-Fit. I expressed this opinion to the guy running the group, and like a an awesome trainer, he actually suggested what he thought would meet my needs: A local crossfit group. So, I dropped in to say hi, and see what I thought. The first thing that impressed me was that some of those guys had some serious mass. This did not jive with the Facebook "memes" I had been seeing. Serious weight was being moved. Repping back squats in the 450#+ area, power cleans over 300#. Many by sub-200# athletes who could also run, jump, etc. I was impressed. So, I joined.

    There was no hazing, no "throwing form out the window for reps", no "cult" like what one has been lead to believes exists based on social media. Just a group of cool people who worked out using a certain methodology. Lots of Olympic lifts, cardio, and strength training.

    What has everyone else's opinion been, once you actually tried it?

    Thus far, I am around 195#, and benching around 255# (1RM), squatting 335 for reps (3), Clean is 225# (1RM), and dunno what I max at on deadlifts, but can do 315 for 5-8. I have a lot of work to do, but feel that CF has helped me, and will continue to integrate it into improving, as McNamara states "the combat chassis", or more accurately for myself "The moving fat people around and maintaining order with drunks and druggies chassis".

  2. #2
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    Legit crossfit does exist. That said any time a program focuses on Oly lifts and strength training it's moving in the right direction. And it sounds like you find an appropriate representation of it.

    The cult shit is out there though. When I was going training it was nothing but f'ing useless PT comprised of Thai push-ups, hollow rocks, box jumps, body blasters, burpees, etc and a myriad of idiotic named WODs, EMOMS, or Ab Ladders... Just beyond stupid BS... I've lost so much in my bench, squat, and deadlift I'm borderline depressed. If I pick up a kettle bell before I die it will be to soon.

    If someone tells you they'll make you stronger without touching a barbell just punch them in the face and walk away. But it sounds like you found the exception.

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpmuscle View Post
    Legit crossfit does exist. That said any time a program focuses on Oly lifts and strength training it's moving in the right direction. And it sounds like you find an appropriate representation of it.

    The cult shit is out there though. When I was going training it was nothing but f'ing useless PT comprised of Thai push-ups, hollow rocks, box jumps, body blasters, burpees, etc and a myriad of idiotic named WODs, EMOMS, or Ab Ladders... Just beyond stupid BS... I've lost so much in my bench, squat, and deadlift I'm borderline depressed. If I pick up a kettle bell before I die it will be to soon.

    If someone tells you they'll make you stronger without touching a barbell just punch them in the face and walk away. But it sounds like you found the exception.

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    My gym does a lot of kettlebell and hollow rocks and that sort of thing, but they do AT LEAST as much cleans, power cleans, jerks, thrusters, squats, front squats, etc. with weight on the bar.

  4. #4
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    Crossfit...Cult, or Culture?

    As stated, legit Crossfit exists. I've also heard the stories and quite frankly, enjoy the Crossfit "humor" on the web. However, if you find a Crossfit gym that has a solid group of trainers who are teaching proper form & techniques AND stressing these over speed and reps, you're in for a great experience.

    I started 10 months ago. My basic lifts have exploded. Bench started at a paltry 185 and is now 305. I'm front squatting 345 and back squatting 385 (up from the 200lb range). My deadlift should break 500lbs within the next 30 days. Yesterday, we ran one mile, did 21 clean and jerks (155 lbs) then ran 1/2 mile, another 21 C&J and finished with a final one mile run. When I started last year, I couldn't run a mile without walking. Yesterday, I completed the entire workout unbroken.

    Point being, the stuff works and if you find the right gym with the right people in charge, you will have success. I enjoy the environment and the wide variety of things we do there. People can call it what they wish. Strength and endurance is strength and endurance. However you get there is right, as long as you're being coached properly.

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    Last edited by Pork Chop; 03-15-16 at 07:34.

  5. #5
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    I did crossfit in ~2011 for about 6 months.

    The people were great, the trainers were great, but it was certainly "nothing but f'ing useless PT comprised of Thai push-ups, hollow rocks, box jumps, body blasters, burpees, etc and a myriad of idiotic named WODs, " as jpmuscle put it.

    I don't like to knock workout methods because different people have different things they enjoy, but it certainly wasn't for me. Box jumps, burpees, and wall ball was like 1/3 of everything I ever did there but I wouldn't say it was a cult.
    Why do the loudest do the least?

  6. #6
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    My wife did Crossfit for a little less than a year before hurting her back. Yes, she hurt her back at her Crossfit gym, but it was not during a workout. She was helping clean up after the workout and herniated a disc while picking up a box and twisting simultaneously. She does have slight scoliosis and degenerative disc disease, so that didn't help matters. Up until she hurt her back, Crossfit was great for her. She got much stronger, confident, and healthier. She also enjoyed the people there, and the coaches stressed form first and foremost.

    After her back surgery, she tried to go back to Crossfit, but she found that she was trying to keep up with everyone else, and that was causing some more pain in her back. Now she lifts by herself at a local gym, because that way she goes at her own pace. She's stronger now than when she did Crossfit, but Crossfit got her into weightlifting and gave her a very strong foundation.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCrum87hc View Post
    My wife did Crossfit for a little less than a year before hurting her back.

    Where have I heard that before?

    Sorry, couldn't resist.
    - Will

    General Performance/Fitness Advice for all

    LE/Mil specific info:

    “Those who do not view armed self defense as a basic human right, ignore the mass graves of those who died on their knees at the hands of tyrants.”

  8. #8
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    CF has diverged and evolved a fair amount now, which is why you're seeing very divergent experiences. Some run by people who got a level 1 cert and opened a "box" some run by people with extensive backgrounds and base knowledge. Reminds me of MA schools for example, both can claim to teach Karate but have very different outcomes.

    The boxes (and I dislike the cute terminology like "boxes" and chit used by CF to sound unique and special....) run by the GTG people have quietly but consistently altered CF training to be less focused on high risk movements and better coaching, improved exercise choice, form, etc etc. getting better results for people with less injury potential and the WODs (another annoying clicky term made popular by CF...) that are not just a mish mash of exercises that have no business being done together/done by people who have no business doing them.

    If one finds a CF gym run by people that have a clue, a good blend of strength/endurance will be the result.

    Like MA, shooting schools, gyms, etc the GTG/yahoo ratio is still not great, CF has evolved to be better about the major criticisms it experienced early on.
    - Will

    General Performance/Fitness Advice for all

    LE/Mil specific info:

    “Those who do not view armed self defense as a basic human right, ignore the mass graves of those who died on their knees at the hands of tyrants.”

  9. #9
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    I'd say you were in the right place if guys were repping squats at 450+.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by WillBrink View Post
    CF has diverged and evolved a fair amount now, which is why you're seeing very divergent experiences. Some run by people who got a level 1 cert and opened a "box" some run by people with extensive backgrounds and base knowledge. Reminds me of MA schools for example, both can claim to teach Karate but have very different outcomes.

    The boxes (and I dislike the cute terminology like "boxes" and chit used by CF to sound unique and special....) run by the GTG people have quietly but consistently altered CF training to be less focused on high risk movements and better coaching, improved exercise choice, form, etc etc. getting better results for people with less injury potential and the WODs (another annoying clicky term made popular by CF...) that are not just a mish mash of exercises that have no business being done together/done by people who have no business doing them.

    If one finds a CF gym run by people that have a clue, a good blend of strength/endurance will be the result.

    Like MA, shooting schools, gyms, etc the GTG/yahoo ratio is still not great, CF has evolved to be better about the major criticisms it experienced early on.
    I feel like I was steered very well. I note that the work-outs we do are very complimentary of each other, as well as one day complimenting the next. I feel like a fair amount of energy goes into the end-product at my gym, vs. "the clock" or "the stats", or whatever abstract measure there is. We have some very impressive athletes. I used to go to LSUS, which fielded several Olympic Gold Medal level powerlifters (Kendrick Farris, etc.) and they remind me a lot of him in build, etc.

    It sounds like what you're saying is spot on. Some of these gyms I guess are like a man's "aerobic class" with catchy terms, and some are legit chassis improvement plants.

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