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Thread: First response GSW treatment?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
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    Take everyday people, put them in a 4 or 8 hour CPR class, "certify" them, and then re-test them 6 months later, and one will find very low skill and knowledge retention. This has been well-demonstrated for many years. I guess it's like most things, practice is important. That being said, I think many people can probably manage to apply direct pressure to a bleeding wound with gauze (preferably) or with a T-shirt (since it's handy). I personally don't walk around with a first aid kit on my person since access to a hospital is quick, but if you're engaged in a high stakes game like going shooting, it could be handy in the unlikely event that someone gets shot. That kit suddenly becomes a lot more valuable, however, if you are in a remote location. I'd think that a 1.5 hour response time for the H-60 to pick you up counts as remote, and personally I'd absolutely want a serious medical kit for all sorts of contingencies in that situation!

  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Southeast Texas
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    Trauma is my forte I really hated dealing with medical only complaints, I can fix broken and bleeding I hated guessing what was wrong with you based on what you tell me and what I can observe.

    Skills deterioration and more research is partially why CPR has been dumbed down to compressions only at a faster rate, first people were hesitant to breathe a stranger and add in the fact that room air is 21% oxygen as compared to the 16% you exhale you have a greater concentration being delivered with less chance of inflating the stomach causing vomitus and aspiration.

    Things have changed a lot over the years, we had great battalion surgeons that taught us a lot and allowed us to use those skills.

    My limited experience- Combat Medic (91B) 89-94, FMF Corpsman 94-00, Combat Medic (68W) 03-09, NREMTP 1990-2009, EMTB/EMTI Instructor 1995-2000
    Last edited by Hammered_Pair; 06-09-16 at 15:05.
    Veteran US Army Combat Medic/US Navy FMF Corpsman

    "Well placed gun fire is the best preventive medicine."

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