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Thread: Venezuela Societal Collapse Thread

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by TomMcC View Post
    I think Will's comment about human nature was about right. I see socialism as a system driven by the lust for lording it over people, a lust for power with really no check on it. At least with our system, a democratic republic, the founders were very concerned about limiting this lust for power and it's abuse.
    I remember reading about Hamilton and Banking and then the Whiskey Rebellion. If I had to point a finger exactly where, that might have been the start or it.
    That the Socialist Progressives love the guy so much they made a musical doesn't surprise me.

  2. #32
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    I remember some time ago a teacher posting daily about life in collapsing Argentina and what it was like and what became valuable and what did not

    the Venezuela have been watching some of course the wealthy side of town is just like any high end area here in the US plenty of everything for the elites

    sadly that is coming here

  3. #33
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    I think also dictators or those that want to become KNOW that socialism works really well in real life for those in power so that is why it comes up so often and so many preach its wonders !!
    its the fine balance of keeping those under just happen enough to never want to work or get ahead but I am preaching to the choir

  4. #34
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    Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro signed a gun control bill into law in a bid to rein in the country's runaway violent crime.

    "I hereby sign into law this gun control law, for peace in our nation," Maduro said on Friday in an address in Vargas state.

    The bill will allow sentences of up to 20 years in prison for any civilian convicted of illegally carrying or selling a firearm.
    It also restricts the sale of ammunition to civilians, and bans weapons from being shown in public places.

    "Any arm that is confiscated will be destroyed immediately ... the sales of weapons and ammunition also ends," said National Assembly President Diosdado Cabello.

    Venezuela has brought a new gun law into effect which bans the commercial sale of firearms and ammunition.

    Until now, anyone with a gun permit could buy arms from a private company.

    Under the new law, only the army, police and certain groups like security companies will be able to buy arms from the state-owned weapons manufacturer and importer.

    The ban is the latest attempt by the government to improve security and cut crime ahead of elections in October.

    The National Rifle Association released a pair of new ads on Tuesday attacking both Hollywood and Venezuela.

    Chris Cox, the head of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, is featured in the ad and attacks celebrities and other elites.

    “Here’s the truth about the Hollywood celebrities, political elites, and billionaires who attack the Second Amendment,” he said. “The thought of average people owning firearms makes them uncomfortable.

    “They don’t like how the men and women who build their office buildings, vacation homes and luxury cars … who mop their floors, clean their clothes and serve their dinner … have access to the same level of protection as their armed security guards. They want you to surrender your freedom for a false promise of government-provided security they will never rely upon themselves.”

    Cox said he and the NRA would never back down in a fight with elites.

    Well they were nice enough to take all the Guns before they took everything else, See How That Works?

  5. #35
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    Bring more security?? Sounds more like they don't want any more possible resistant when they put more of the hurt on everyone.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Averageman View Post
    Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro signed a gun control bill into law in a bid to rein in the country's runaway violent crime.

    "I hereby sign into law this gun control law, for peace in our nation," Maduro said on Friday in an address in Vargas state.

    The bill will allow sentences of up to 20 years in prison for any civilian convicted of illegally carrying or selling a firearm.
    It also restricts the sale of ammunition to civilians, and bans weapons from being shown in public places.

    "Any arm that is confiscated will be destroyed immediately ... the sales of weapons and ammunition also ends," said National Assembly President Diosdado Cabello.

    Venezuela has brought a new gun law into effect which bans the commercial sale of firearms and ammunition.

    Until now, anyone with a gun permit could buy arms from a private company.

    Under the new law, only the army, police and certain groups like security companies will be able to buy arms from the state-owned weapons manufacturer and importer.

    The ban is the latest attempt by the government to improve security and cut crime ahead of elections in October.
    Contacted a friend in Venezuela and as expected, he says it's damn near impossible for the average person there to afford or obtain a fire arm for self protection as it is. Obviously that will have no impact on criminals who don't follow laws ans there's plenty of guns around for them.

    "Under the new law, only the army, police and certain groups like security companies will be able to buy arms from the state-owned weapons manufacturer importer"

    And the police state will be complete.
    - Will

    General Performance/Fitness Advice for all

    LE/Mil specific info:

    “Those who do not view armed self defense as a basic human right, ignore the mass graves of those who died on their knees at the hands of tyrants.”

  7. #37
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    If I had Bill Gates money, I would be dropping Jungle fatigues, M4s, ammo, food, and water to the resistance. Maybe even some surplus tanks.

    I wouldn't even prop myself up as a warlord. I would definitely partake in being a revolutionary and the women. Long hair and tiger stripes

    I may improve the situation or make it worse but fuggit nothing better to do.

  8. #38
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    Not really new. Both laws were passed 3-4 years ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by Averageman View Post
    Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro signed a gun control bill into law in a bid to rein in the country's runaway violent crime.

    "I hereby sign into law this gun control law, for peace in our nation," Maduro said on Friday in an address in Vargas state.

    The bill will allow sentences of up to 20 years in prison for any civilian convicted of illegally carrying or selling a firearm.
    It also restricts the sale of ammunition to civilians, and bans weapons from being shown in public places.

    "Any arm that is confiscated will be destroyed immediately ... the sales of weapons and ammunition also ends," said National Assembly President Diosdado Cabello.

    Venezuela has brought a new gun law into effect which bans the commercial sale of firearms and ammunition.

    Until now, anyone with a gun permit could buy arms from a private company.

    Under the new law, only the army, police and certain groups like security companies will be able to buy arms from the state-owned weapons manufacturer and importer.

    The ban is the latest attempt by the government to improve security and cut crime ahead of elections in October.

    The National Rifle Association released a pair of new ads on Tuesday attacking both Hollywood and Venezuela.

    Chris Cox, the head of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, is featured in the ad and attacks celebrities and other elites.

    “Here’s the truth about the Hollywood celebrities, political elites, and billionaires who attack the Second Amendment,” he said. “The thought of average people owning firearms makes them uncomfortable.

    “They don’t like how the men and women who build their office buildings, vacation homes and luxury cars … who mop their floors, clean their clothes and serve their dinner … have access to the same level of protection as their armed security guards. They want you to surrender your freedom for a false promise of government-provided security they will never rely upon themselves.”

    Cox said he and the NRA would never back down in a fight with elites.

    Well they were nice enough to take all the Guns before they took everything else, See How That Works?

    Owner/Instructor at Semper Paratus Arms


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  9. #39
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    It's all about who owns the talent.

    Venezuela did not do it right.
    Communism can work.

    Used to be the talented rose to the top.
    They were stronger, faster, smarter, more charismatic, etc.
    Groups did well falling in with and supporting the talent.

    This put property, resources, etc. into the hands of the talented.
    Their offspring got it.
    Their offspring were not always talented.
    People did not like slaving away for them.

    At some point people moved away and started this cool thing call a republic.
    You could slave away for yourself and the talented could do very well.
    Even black ones and women after a while.

    But most people found out they were not talent.

    So people want to get supported and rich off the talent.
    Why should some genius businessman or hardworking doctor or someone with the drive and endurance to put in 90 hours a week get to keep the products of their labor?

    We went from the talented to being the ruling class,
    To their descendants doing so whether talented or not,
    To making your own fate,
    To where a bunch of lazy no talent ass clowns want to be supported by the efforts of the talented,
    And the new ruling class are the driven, shady no talent ass clowns who screw over the talented, support themselves week off that, and throw some scraps to the lazy ones to stay in power.

    Count how many millionaire insurance executives and hospital CEOS there are compared to physicians, and ask yourselves why medicine is so expensive.

    Count how many millionaire politicians there are compared to millionaire business owners.

    If a guy is getting the support of the police union, and the cops are making 300k a year with overtime and retiring with 100k pensions, ask where the money is coming from and how it can go on. The two true tribes of operators don't get paid near that much and could lose all four limbs and get a retirement and va pension less than that.

    the talented, productive, driven, and hard working get pissed off, burned out, and work less in a system like this.
    More people are working for state, local, and federal government than ever before. Many of which exist to **** with and take shit from those that do not.
    More people than ever before do nothing and get food, shelter, living expenses, and medical care from the government. Not only do they do nothing, but many of them disproportionately eat up resources and cause problems and break shit and in general ruin things for everyone.

    So we are left with an ever lower amount of people shouldering the burden. All while getting shit on, told what words they can say, what flags they can fly, what thoughts they can express , who will be in the locker room with their daughter, how cool a truck or fast a car they can have, where they can pile their horse shit on their own property, how much more taxes they should be paying, how many more Muslims and Somalis are being sent to their state, and so forth.

    We think we have had social unrest before?
    This is not some out of work guys picketing.
    This is not some educated black guys getting sprayed by fire hoses because they can't go in the white bookstore.
    This is not some hippies protesting a war because they would rather stay home and screw stoned, disinhibitied chicks instead of going to Vietnam.

    Communism will work here and we will not end up like Venezula.
    American will completely eradicate the Western European patriarchal, Christian based moral/legal societal rules, successful family based model, effort/talent rewarding system
    For true communism where the talented and productive are enslaved to provide for everyone.

    And they don't see how that will be a total shit show.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iraqgunz View Post
    Not really new. Both laws were passed 3-4 years ago.
    Yes Sir;
    What made me decide to investigate that further was the curious notion of "How do you take Farms away from Starving People ?" That was answered by "They took their Guns First."
    We go back and forth now every decade or so. They pass something, we get it repealed or the time line expires, just back and forth.
    I would guess if they ever get to the point that they require them to be turned in and destroyed, the next step after that is going to be even uglier. Its going to be a boot to the face if it ever happens.

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