I want to take a quick minute to say thank you to the Mods, Staff, and Admins of M4C for their support and assistance in getting this set up. I'll go over the reasons later on about why I'm posting here, instead of on another board. The reasons are ugly, but nothing most people would be shocked to hear.

I would like this little section of firearm internet heaven to cover a few different things, but to make sense of any of them, I'll give a highly condensed background about myself. I am prior military, I had a chance to do a lot of things outside of the usual, and I enjoyed it very much. After a few enlistments, I was told I was going to be deployed a minimum of half the year on real world ops, and to figure another 3 or so months for other activities. Every year. Having visions of keeping my wife, I entered into the world of being a Police Officer. Lots of excitement, lots of action, and lots of opportunity to specialize in certain areas, including firearm instruction, armorer, fto, teams, weapon testing and on and on. While this was all going on photography started becoming a larger part of the internet. Having shot pictures for a long time, the digital world was pretty enjoyable, and the jump from the weapons world into work I was already doing was pretty quick. I started shooting pictures, and writing articles, though photography was always the main focus when possible.

I focus on my nephews quite a bit. They are young men who are training at an early age, and being held to standards much higher than that of their peers. Training for them includes hand to hand combatives, ground fighting, patrolling, ambushes, cold water training, hydro endurance, log PT, and many many other things. People who follow us on FB or IG see pics of them all the time. The nephews are a special project for me, and you will see things about them through posts made here as well.

I tend to stay pretty private, but this becomes a good place for people to ask questions about a variety of subjects in the areas mentioned about. My answers to question tend to be based off real world experiences, and quite often I'm as blunt as a cranky cop often is, but I'll always be honest.

Thank you again for all the support from everyone out there. This should be fun.