Thread rules:

1. YOU have to be the one who took the picture.
2. Post no more than ONE picture a day. That keeps things clean, and it won't turn into a spamfest.
3. Make the picture one you are proud of, not a generic picture. Post your best shots!
4. Keep it workplace friendly please. Pictures of pretty people are fine, but common sense prevails. If in doubt, don't post it.
5. Tell us why you like it.
6. If you want a critique on an image you post, make sure you post that you want feedback, otherwise don't expect to hear anything other than oooooo's, and ahhhhhh's.

ETA- Title change to make it more clear that only one pic a day is posted, or Stick will be a big fat meany and delete all pics after the first one. The reason is that I don't want this to turn into a thread where someone shows up and dumps a million crappy pictures into the thread. By keeping it to one picture a day, people are forced to choose and post, which means we all end up seeing quality pictures. Hopefully the title change makes it a bit easier as the thread gets longer.