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Thread: National Reciprocity Goes on the Offensive!

  1. #1
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    National Reciprocity Goes on the Offensive!

    On January 3–the first day of the 115th Congress–Representative Richard Hudson (R-NC-8) introduced national concealed carry reciprocity legislation.
    Hudson’s office published this summary of the legislation:

    Rep. Hudson’s bill, which is supported by major pro-Second Amendment groups, would allow people with a state-issued concealed carry license or permit to conceal a handgun in any other state that allows concealed carry, as long as the permit holder follows the laws of that state. It also allows residents of Constitutional carry states the ability to carry in other states that recognize their own resident’s right to concealed carry.

    Note: Hudson’s legislation not only establishes national reciprocity for concealed permit holders but also national reciprocity for residents who live in states that require no permit for concealed carry. In the former situation the concealed carry permit of any state would be valid in every state and the “identification document” in possession of a resident of a constitutional carry state would serve as a permit to carry without a license in other states.

    My take: it's a start.

  2. #2
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    It works with your drivers license, your marriage license, why not concealed carry?
    Thanks for posting this, it was one of the first things I read today.

  3. #3
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    I'm glad to see something happening too, but this leaves a lot of ambiguity and a lot of questions.

    What if you have a CCL from a state that you are not a resident of? FL, UT, AZ and NV all issue permits to non-residents. Can a guy or gal from CA with a FL permit legally carry in Boston or NYC if this bill passes? Can a guy in CA with a FL permit legally carry in CA?
    What about state level 10 round magazine laws? If a CCL holder from SC drives into NY or NJ with their 17 round mag and their CCL, are they legal to carry their gun, but busted for having too many rounds?

    This is a good start. The anti's will scream that the sky is falling, of course. When the sky doesn't fall and violent crime drops, as it always does when gun laws are relaxed, I'd like to see more expansion on this concept. Eventually, I'd like to get to a point where the 2A is respected and followed, and my rights aren't infringed upon in any way or in any state. We should not need government permission to exercise inalienable rights, but I understand the concept of taking incremental steps toward that goal, just as we've been taking incremental steps away from that goal for so many decades now. Bust the criminals. Leave the good guys alone.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulletdog View Post
    Can a guy in CA with a FL permit legally carry in CA?
    Many states do not allow their residences to carry on a non-residence permit, so I'd doubt it.
    Gettin' down innagrass.
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  5. #5
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    As much as I would love to see this pass, the government isn't in the habit of restoring liberty.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dist. Expert 26 View Post
    As much as I would love to see this pass, the government isn't in the habit of restoring liberty.
    True that. The main benefit I see is that for once the antis are on the defensive.

    We should encourage our reps and senators to introduce pro-gun legislation early and often, starting NOW.

  7. #7
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    I see some states balking at this. Hodgepodge of state laws = difficult legislative process.
    Last edited by Hmac; 01-04-17 at 11:24.

  8. #8
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    That's a Right worth focusing on. Get everyone focusing on OC to focus on NR and we're cooking with gas. That's a singular goal worth focusing on. The anti gun groups resisted LEOSA all the way, not because they thought it was a bad idea off duty LEOs should be able to CCW in all 50 states per se, because they knew it set the obvious precedent for NR for all citizens. There's no reason what so ever that should only apply to off duty LEOs, and they know it. Surprised there was not a case filed shortly after LEOSA happened to push NR for all citizens.

    There's no Cont reason I'm aware of why an off duty LEO has any 2A Rights I/we don't and it would not hold up to Conts scrutiny via SCOTUS.
    Last edited by WillBrink; 01-04-17 at 11:26.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hmac View Post
    I see some states balking at this. Hodgepodge of state laws = difficult legislative process.
    Good, time we shove it right down their throats. We're restoring freedom, they yearn to steal it. NFA, GCA and Federal AWB were shoved down all 50 states throats. I'm sick of playing defense, I firmly believe the best defense is a good offense and it's long past due we were on the offensive!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by PatrioticDisorder View Post
    Good, time we shove it right down their throats. We're restoring freedom, they yearn to steal it. NFA, GCA and Federal AWB were shoved down all 50 states throats. I'm sick of playing defense, I firmly believe the best defense is a good offense and it's long past due we were on the offensive!
    Not gonna hold my breath.

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