As to gold for SHTF- Im in the "WHY?" category. You wont get anything I need from me with it, Ill tell you that. If you can barter something useful, even do a trade or skill for me I might be needing..THATS "gold" to me.
To each his own though.
In the eighties, early, mid & late nineties...I used to read a series of sci-fi books called DEATHLANDS. 400 years after total nuclear destruction. Survivors faced mutants, acid rain, evil barons, just all kinds of shit. The JACK {currency} of the time was ammo. In one scene..this group the books follow, walk into a town, the leader goes up to the barkeep/innkeeper, says
"We need rooms". "You got the jack?!" was the reply. Without a word, he pulls his internally silenced Sig out of its holster, and fast as lightning jacks the round from the chamber, and plops it onto the counter.
The Innkeeper gleefully scoops it up and accommodates the entire group, with room AND board. One...round.
Of course...that's just sci-fi & could NEVER real life...right?