Quote Originally Posted by travistheone View Post

You said your current diet is working. Don't jack with it. Sure, you can add or subtract certain foods but don't mess with the overall nutrient breakdown too much.

You said moderate weight. Experiment changing this to heavy weight.

Quote Originally Posted by WillBrink View Post
A good diet plan is one you can and will stick with permanently. Losing the weight is not the hard part, keeping it off is the hard part. Any plan that has you eating one way lose fat, then back to your normal way of eating once it's lost, is doomed to long term failure. What keeps it off is a permanent change in nutrition, exercise, etc. Keep that in mind as you decide.
Thanks Guys.
I will keep tweaking it and work on portion control a bit more and try eating 3 small(er) rather than only one large(r) meal a day. I'm really just not that hungry three times a day.
240 to 210 was easy. I didn't notice it until my pants got loose, never even stepped on a scale. Now I'm at 210 and I'm stuck.
I've looked for a local Hiit gym and the nearest is 30 miles away, so that's not going to work, however I might read up on it a bit and incorporate some of it in to my workout. I have a friend who has had great luck with Hiit and has had amazing results.
I will keep exploring the Diet thing. There is a lot of Voo Doo out there.