I am a flight nurse and currently work for a large Level 1 Medical Center.
My back and core have been in bad shape for years. Partly my own fault, not using proper ergonomics, and partly the job.
Staying on your feet for 12 hours shifts 3-4 days in a row, working nights, and not following a continuous work out program (being consistent), has led to some continued back pain.

I decided to make a change and be consistent. I have been doing strong lifts 5x5 for 3 months now.
My current progress is
Squat: 235
OH Press: 115
Deadlift: 275
Bench: 185
Barbell Row: 105
Weighted Dips: 35
Skull Crush : 50
Barbell Curls: 60
Pull Ups:8-7-7
Push Ups:10-10-10

I know it's not much weight I'm throwing around, but I feel stronger and my back is hurting less. I have been strictly focused on form and movement during my lifts.

I have been using BCAA by ForzaOne during my workouts.

I have access to my gym which is very nice and I also workout at work as we have down time and nice gym set up at my LifeFlight base.

I also throw in rucking with 20-30lbs on my off days or some bag work.

I would love any advice. I am still progressing each week, but the lifts are getting harder and I don't want to sacrifice form or injure myself.
