I've had this gun for a while now. I shot it again just the other day.


It only weights a pound. The grip is incredibly well designed and actually has different density (softer) at the web of your hand high on the rear of the grip. It's a full grip with all of my finger on it and no finger grooves that may or may not fit you. I have let several people shoot it and all come away very impressed. The trigger is the best FACTORY standard production trigger on a revolver that I have experienced. I can actually get controlled pairs (not so much with other ultralight revolvers for me).

It is the ONLY ultralight revolver that I have ever been like, yeah, let's shoot it some more, that wasn't bad.

I love that because it is a DA revolver and weights only a pound, when my wife spontaneously ask me to go for walk around the neighborhood I can just put it in a pocket and not worry about it as much as I would a pistol (I am looking for a good belt holster though).