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Thread: Shoot With & Support 5th Group Special Forces: 9/9-9/10, Rockcastle Shooting Center

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by GTF425 View Post
    And just like that, I have to withdraw for work. I apologize, and hope that everyone has a great time.
    I hate that man - but if we pull this off we'll be back next year. Or there's another 5k Run N Gun here on Veterans Day, and a 5k & 10k here on March 17 - 18, 2018. Start planning now!

    In the meantime, if you've never been to Rockcastle before, you should know that it has some wicked hills! Below is an elevation map of the course.

    Post here how you're going to deal with those hills to help keep each other inspired/motivated. You have FOUR WEEKS to get ready - post up when you do something for training!

    If you run four times a week already and this is no big deal, just post a weekly update so people don't get overwhelmed by your awesomeness but can still see what's possible. Extra points if you've never done anything like this before and struggle just to walk a mile. Post something here every single time you walk that mile!

    Don't worry about it not being "long enough" or "fast enough". All that matters is that you got off the couch and did SOMETHING. If you did more than you did yesterday, you win. Celebrate it here!

  2. #32
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    I'll start: I've been stuck on hotel treadmills for the last two weeks "simulating hills". Tonight was my first run on a real road: 3.66 miles at a 9.1 min/mi avg pace (with no weight) on the hilliest route I could find close to my house. Goal #1 is no walking - check. Goal #2 is to average at LEAST 90% of my peak heart rate throughout. I hit 89% tonight, so I have some more work to do. The plan is 3 weightless runs a week and a weighted run on the weekends.

    Who is next???

  3. #33
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    There are still plenty of slots left open - talk your friends into joining you, and motivate each other to prepare. Don't put this off - sign up and start training TODAY!!!

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by GTF425 View Post
    And just like that, I have to withdraw for work. I apologize, and hope that everyone has a great time.
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt in TN View Post
    I hate that man - but if we pull this off we'll be back next year.
    I'm already planning on attending next year.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Sic semper tyrannis.

  5. #35
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    I had to move some MOLLE around on my Run N Gun rig to make the change from FAL/G41 to AR10/G17 tonight, and I realized I have one less G18 mag than I thought I did. So I'll be ordering a G18 mag this week to finish this set out. A quick run around the farm and some rifle dry fire in various positions made a good basic gear test, but it needs more before I'm comfortable with it.

    How is everyone carrying the giant loads of ammo required for this match? I'm going with 4x25rd AR10 mags, 3x33rd G18 mags, and a 21rd G17 mag in the pistol for a total loadout of 100 rifle and 120 pistol.

  6. #36
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    Things you'll experience that aren't at most matches:

    Incoming "artillery strikes"
    Machinegun fire WHILE you are trying to focus on shooting
    Calling in your own JDAM strike
    Shooting while under attack (I'll let this one be a surprise!)
    Experiencing the "fog of war" and trying to identify friend and foe
    Rescuing multiple casualties
    Carrying all your gear for 5k while shooting and overcoming obstacles

    And of course all of the outrageous things that are only "normal" to Rockcastle:
    Shooting in the complete darkness of a cave
    Shooting from/around a vehicle
    Shooting and reloading on the move and from behind cover

    There are still some slots open - register NOW at:

    And if you have absolutely no interest in carrying 20-50lbs over a 5k running course, but still want to experience the awesomeness of the shooting stages and support the 5th Group Special Forces Association, come on out to the Sunday 2-gun match where you can do exactly that. Even better, shoot BOTH matches back to back.

    You know you'll want another shot at these stages after shooting them Saturday, so you might as well sign up for Sunday too so you can try them fresh again! Here's the link for the Sunday match:

  7. #37
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    5th Group had a good week this week - picked up Spikes Tactical as a match sponsor and Trijicon as a stage sponsor. Just the first of many more to come, I'm sure!

  8. #38
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    People always have questions about scoring. I admit this can be confusing - especially since every Run N Gun is a little different. Scoring for THIS match reflects the priorities of the 5th Special Forces Group, so while it is pretty similar to what we did here in March there are a few differences.*

    First, the similarities:

    Your total score is made up of 50% run time and 50% shoot time, so you have to both run fast and shoot well to score well overall. To break this down further - the fastest runner overall will get 500 points. Each runner below that will get a percentage of 500 points based on how much slower than that fastest runner they are. The fastest shooter at Stage 1 will get 100 points, and every shooter below that will get a percentage of those 100 points based on how much slower than the fastest shooter they are. And so on for all five stages. Since there are 5 stages, there are 500 possible points for shooting. So theoretically - if someone was the fastest runner and won each and every shooting stage they'd get 1,000 points and win the match. That has yet to EVER happen, so the actual match winner is always someone who balances shooting well with running fast - which is as it should be.

    Now, the differences (from March):

    For each target you Fail To Neutralize (FTN) as per the stage description, we will add 10 seconds to your shoot time for that stage. For each "No Shoot" you hit (once or multiple times), 10 seconds will be added to your shoot time for that stage. And since 5th Group never quits - neither can you. You have to keep shooting until you've either hit all the targets or your 3 minutes are up. You CANNOT just quit early and "take the penalty." The only exception to this is if you THINK you hit all the targets, but didn't. For example: you shoot 5 times at a paper pistol target, think you hit it all 5 times, and move on - but when it's scored they only find 4 hits. You'd have 10 seconds added to your shoot time as an FTN penalty for that stage.

    So even if you do not finish the shooting stage, you will still get some points based on how many targets you DID hit (unlilke in March).

    And two Match DQ penalties (you get a zero score for the match and get sent home early) that may be new to some:

    1. If you get caught with a loaded rifle ANYWHERE but immediately after you are given the "fire" command or the start buzzer goes off
    2. If you drop a loaded pistol ANYWHERE in the course

    ​​​​​​​Any questions?

  9. #39
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    I can't give you the stage details, but I can show you the course map to give you an idea where you'll be going. I won't make you plot bearings and count steps, but navigating and following a simple map IS a part of this challenge. We'll have paint on the roads, signs with arrows at every turn, and caution tape marking the trail through the woods - but every year someone gets lost or confused. Study the map and know where you're going. Print it out and bring it along if you'd like to be sure.

    If you were here in March, you'll note that the course is VERY similar and the shooting locations are identical. Also note that the small dogleg off of Slave Cave Road is gone. We've moved all the obstacles to be just prior to the stage locations this time, so there was no reason for the bypass off the road. That has the added bonus of cutting back the mileage to a perfect 5k, and adding an extra hill!

  10. #40
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    Rule Change: 5th Group decided a pre-run weigh-in was too easy. You must be carrying 25%+ of your bodyweight when you FINISH the run to qualify for Combat Class. We'll weigh you before the run so you can know where you start out on the match scale - but the weight that counts is when you finish. If you're not at 25% or more, you'll be kicked down to Race Class and have carried all that weight for nothing.

    Sorry for the mix-up - I assumed we do this like we did before and never even asked them what they thought. You can kick me as you run by if you scan still lift your legs by then!

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