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Thread: Charlottesville Rally - Deaths etc

  1. #1
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    Charlottesville Rally - Deaths etc

    So a an alt Right rally in Charlottesville VA took place today.

    The Gov. says he planned for months.

    Everyone was --warnerd-- DO NOT GO THERE. DO NOT GO. Let them do there thing and be gone.

    However, instead, hundreds of demonstrators against the White Right showed up and there was fighting, law breaking, etc.

    Next a car plows into the protestors ( OHIO plates, man arrested ). One killed, many injured.

    Shortly afterward a state Police chopper crashed. Killed the pilot and one passenger. It is reported this chopper was associated with the rally by some means.

    Reports are Trump didn't respond in time and when he did he somehow supported the White Right.

    VA Gov says go away White Right and don't come back.

    The part I don't get is that the sensible, well educated, peaceful, reasonable protestors have no blame.They have been told for months not to go. Had they not been there if any arrests were to happen it would have all been the White Right. There would have been no one to drive a car over by the OHIO guy. ... and depending on what the State Police chopper was doing, it might not have even been in the air.

    Months of planning. DO NOT GO, DO NOT GO, DO NOT GO. Yet hundreds of peaceful enlightened people go to protest. 3 dead, many injuries, destroyed helicopter, multiple cars wrecked, who knows what else. All because the well educated, peaceful, wise individuals can't seem to listen to their own politicians that they elected and grasp the concept of DON'T GO THERE. JUST DON''T GO.


    read the sigh she is holding.....

    Seriously is this what STAY HOME, DO NOT GO means to a common sense, well educated, peaceful, all inclusive, ordinary, honest person?

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    ... and then he backed up. He drove that car back up the street, backwards for blocks

    This car is moving backwards adn keeps on going....

  4. #4
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    I watched a thing earlier today about the march through UVA last night. At first I saw torches and people chanting "You will not replace us!". Okay, no biggie. Then I heard it switch to "White lives matter!" Raised an eyebrow, but if "Black lives matter" then so do white ones, right? Then I started seeing the Nazi salute being thrown and turned it off. Enough of these clowns.

    Later today I start seeing reports of violence. The "counter protesters", painted as pure as the driven snow by the MSM, are suddenly victims. Well, the peaceful "counter protesters" were mostly Antifa and BLM jackoffs pulling their usual shit. Only this time it wasn't Berkeley and the other side fought back. So we have a major collision of assholes. Yet the MSM isn't spinning it that way. No, it's the racist, bigoted original protesters who are at fault, not anyone else.

    So let me clarify my stance on this whole shitshow:

    Neo-Nazi's, Skinheads, the KKK, and White Supremacists are racist assholes.

    BLM are racist, bigoted assholes.

    Antifa are extremist hater assholes.

    So, there we have it. ALL of the parties involved are irresponsible shitheads. Yet, it will not be spun that way. No, we can't possibly tell the truth now could we?
    Last edited by ABNAK; 08-12-17 at 18:42.
    11C2P '83-'87
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by tb-av View Post
    ... and then he backed up. He drove that car back up the street, backwards for blocks

    This car is moving backwards adn keeps on going....
    Have heard that it was in fact a peaceful "counter protester" who thought he was running over White Supremacists. Wonder what the storyline will be?
    11C2P '83-'87
    Airborne Infantry
    F**k China!

  6. #6
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    If I didn't know better I would think some of these kind people had a political agenda.

    I'm not fan of the KKK and all that nonsense, but something seems wrong with these pictures.

  7. #7
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    I can't quite put my finger on it, but it seems like some people showed up looking for a fight. Well the governor did say there had been months of planning.
    Last edited by tb-av; 08-12-17 at 18:46.

  8. #8
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    Can we start arresting the morons on both sides for domestic terrorism? Violence to further a political agenda and each side seems to be participating. Throw them all in Gitmo for all I care.
    White Nationalists, Black Nationalists, ANTIFA, the whole damn bunch of them.
    Reads a lot, posts little.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ggammell View Post
    That looks like a personal plate, but I can't decipher it?
    The Second Amendment ACKNOWLEDGES our right to own and bear arms that are in common use that can be used for lawful purposes. The arms can be restricted ONLY if subject to historical analogue from the founding era or is dangerous (unsafe) AND unusual.

    It's that simple.

  10. #10
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    At some point your liberty and rights have to be balanced by common sense and prudence.
    If you were there, on either side, you went there looking for a fight.
    Nobody was going to be educated, no one was going to change their mind and clearly no one was safe. So what we had wasn't a rally, or a political event, people of opposing views gathered to fight in the streets.
    That this wasn't stopped in time to save lives, or cancelled when it became apparent earlier in the week what this had become leads me to believe certain folks may have wanted some bloodshed to further their goals.

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