I've had ongoing issues with general fatigue for almost ten years.
I struggle to find the time and energy to work out, I lose weight I am get better and something comes up and I am back to square one. Fat, extremely tired and trying to get back on track.
First they found my thyroid had pretty much given up, I have Hashimoto's. Thyroid replacement therapy helped but didn't fix the problem totally.
Years of going to six month blood work checks and I haven't got any help no matter how many times I have brought up the low energy issue.
So finally after pushing the issue into the realm of patient advocacy;
Not only do I have Hashimoto's, I have low, extremely low vitamin D and low T.
Same Hospital, same insurance, same doctor I have had for four years.
So now they want a series of tests to include a sleep study before they will prescribe the testosterone. So what is going on here?

I have some issue with this because I dont want a damned sleep study. I want to fix the issue now.
Do I have a sleep issue? perhaps, I was born with an enlarged uvula, I have to sleep in a position that doesn't block my air way, that or I can go get an uvula reduction surgery.
I think I'm getting milked for my insurance money.

BTW I have noted my issues here over the years. It's finally being looked at nearly a decade later.