I lament that the Ruger Security Six and Service Six have long since been discontinued. I should have held onto the ones I had.

As far as modern revolvers in 357 or 38, which would you choose and why?

My personal "must have" is an external hammer. I want a revolver I can shoot well into my old age. I watched my dad lose his hand strength as he aged. He was a semi-auto guy until he could no longer cycle the slide on any gun to chamber the first round. He also got to the point that he had to manually cock the hammer on any handgun because he didn't have the strength to fire double action anymore.

So...even though I personally love the Smith 642 for all-around revolver goodness, I'm thinking of long-term having to own a single-action capable revolver if I end up with low hand strength like my dad.

So, what flavor would you grab if you specified it had to have an external hammer for shooting single action?