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Thread: Denver Bump-stock and magazine Bill

  1. #1
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    Denver Bump-stock and magazine Bill

    There will be a bill voted on Monday 1/22/18 that covers a Bump-stock ban and 'bringing in line' the City mag limit with the state limit.

    The problem is that the city version doesn't have a 'grandfathering' clause for 15+ round magazines. So all the handgun owners with 9mm 17 round standard magazines would instantly become criminals. Because the press focuses on the bump stock and says the magazine ban is just a mirror of the state law, a lot of people wouldn't even know it. Nothing like going to jail for a year and $2k in fines for doing and knowing nothing.

    While the bump-stock portion of the ban has no support to be removed, there is a lot of interest in the magazine issue. If you are in Denver, please contact your council person, or all of them like I did, and respectfully ask them to consider truly making the Denver law mirror the state law with a grandfathering clause.

    Please focus on:
    This isn't about gun control since the state already has a 15 round limit for new magazines, it is about making sure that law abiding citizens aren't entrapped through no action of their own.
    The city lawyer has said that 'grandfathering' is hard, but the right thing often is not the easy thing.
    I know this is an M4 site, but I think focusing on the handgun issue is where the current discussion gets. Talking about ARs just clouds the issue.

    Councilman Flynn is the most engaged on the issue, so if you have a chance, please thank him for his efforts.
    The Second Amendment ACKNOWLEDGES our right to own and bear arms that are in common use that can be used for lawful purposes. The arms can be restricted ONLY if subject to historical analogue from the founding era or is dangerous (unsafe) AND unusual.

    It's that simple.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    SeattHELL, Soviet Socialist S***hole of Washington
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    Why does the Shitty even NEED its own mag limit if they want to be inline with State? Why don't they just say "since the State has basically adopted ours statewide, we feel no need to maintain our own Bitchy Little Special Snowflake policy anymore?"

    Truly, I feel sorry for you guys in Colorado... here in the Northwet we're going through the same thing with Commiefornication, and every day I pray for a meteorite to strike our Crapitol building.
    Psalms 109:8, 43:1
    LIFE MEMBER - NRA & SAF; FPC MEMBER Not employed or sponsored by any manufacturer, distributor or retailer.

  3. #3
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    The grabbers are using the cover and focus of the Bump stock to sneak in the 15 round limit, without grandfathering, into the city. They know that they are not 'copying' the state ban. They have said that they don't care if they make law abiding citizens into criminals. It really is chilling.

    On the other hand, considering that this is Denver and that they are all D's, I've been impressed that many of them have taken the time to understand and try to address the mag issue. Councilman Flynn is a wheel gun guy, but after he heard from a few sources the issue at hand, he is trying to do the right thing.

    I would have assumed that everything is a lost cause when it comes to guns in a place like Denver. Not so. I'm not saying that any council member will have Molon Labe and bolt face bumper stickers, but the gun grabbers perpetual cries of 'LOWER' when it comes to the magazine 'limbo lower' tactic is starting to bump up against 'mainstream' gun owners. Plus, this is the real west, or at least loosely affiliated with it. Politics are a bit different and there is a libertarian angle to both D and R sides.

    When you are deep 'behind the lines' you need to make rational arguments for defensible positions and take what you can get. "Muh guns" isn't going to win any hearts and minds and this is an insurgency- trying to stay alive and as whole as possible until saner heads and an understanding SCOTUS can bring rationality to guns, violence and the most basic of civil rights.
    The Second Amendment ACKNOWLEDGES our right to own and bear arms that are in common use that can be used for lawful purposes. The arms can be restricted ONLY if subject to historical analogue from the founding era or is dangerous (unsafe) AND unusual.

    It's that simple.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Your homie Flynn proposed the following amendment:
    I move to amend CB17-1400, as follows:

    Page 2, after line 19, add the following:

    “(3) Dwelling shall have the same meaning set forth in the Denver zoning code.”;

    Page 2, line 20, through page 3, line 4, renumber subparagraphs (23) through (78) in subsection (b) accordingly;

    Page 4, after line 27, add the following:

    “(3) A person who possesses a magazine that holds or may be modified to hold between sixteen (16) and twenty (20) rounds if he or she: (a) Owned it on July 1, 2013; (b) Maintained continuous possession of such magazine; and, (c) Possesses the magazine within the dwelling in which the person resides.”;

    Page 4, line 28, strike “(3)” and replace with “(4)”.


    This amendment would create an exception to the law for law abiding gun owners who legally possess a magazine that holds or can be modified to hold 16-20 rounds, but only if such magazine is kept in the residence, but could not be carried out of the residence.
    Flynn Proposed Amendment to CB17-1400

    Guess he tried...Have to see how it shakes out.

    It's funny to read the arguments for...Bunch of derps copy-and-pasting MDA form letters. Progressives gonna progressive, I guess.
    Last edited by kerplode; 01-22-18 at 19:23.


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