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Thread: Injured by a ND, Wanted to Share Thoughts

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dionysusigma View Post
    Had a negligent discharge Sunday (21Jan2018) afternoon, and the subsequent downtime has left me plenty of time to think on the events following the event (especially since medical personnel have asked me to repeat the circumstances several dozen times over).
    Thanks for sharing. Glad you were able to get medical assistance quickly.

    I had attended a civilian trauma class last year and did a write up on it, you making an improvised TQ quickly was great - hindsight is 20/20 but the thing the class emphasized was always having an actual TQ near you, especially when working with firearms. Maybe this type of class might appeal to you, here is the write up I did: AAR - Dark Angel Medical Direct Action Response Training NYC 12/02 & 12/03/2017

  2. #42
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    Thank you very much for sharing and I wish you a speedy recovery!

    One food for thought for those who might find themselves the individual calling 911 on something like this; it might be important to convey the shooting as an "accident" or in some cases a "training accident" as some department protocols will have the fire/EMS assets stage until PD can clear the scene as "safe"... A good dispatcher can root this information out but you never know what else they have going on and the call just goes out as a "shooting"...This obviously can significantly delay care... FFT
    " I can't walk with gum in my mouth...It makes it to where I can't breathe"-The Wife Unit

  3. #43
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    Damn dude.. thanks for sharing. Glad you'll be OK
    On the seventh day God rested; Marines filled sandbags

  4. #44
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    Sorry if I came across as an a$$hole earlier, but all of these lessons learned / new safety rules are bunk.

    Just comply with safe handling rules.

    - Always treat all firearms as if they were loaded.
    - Never allow the muzzle of any firearm to point at anything you are not willing to destroy.
    - Never put your finger near the trigger until you are ready to fire. Do not depend on any mechanical device for safety.
    - Always be sure of your target, and what is behind and in front of it.

    Yes, we have all likely become complacent at one time or another, but you probably understand now why all the professional instructors check their weapons several times when demonstrating dry firing. Like every time before they start another demo, check check.

    I know that is my habit pattern whenever I have unloaded and am going to either dry fire or clean. Unless I have just checked, I check one more time before starting the activity.

  5. #45
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    I had a ND a couple years ago while attempting to dry fire with my non-dominant hand. I racked the slide without dropping the magazine because I was too busy talking to pay attention to what I was doing. Thankfully, nobody was injured.

    I have since changed my dry fire protocol. I used to think Hickok's way of racking a slide 30x before dry firing was silly, but now I understand why he does it.

  6. #46
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    Thanks for sharing. As the quote goes, "a man with experience trumps a man with an opinion." You definitely have experience now.

    A couple things: 1) what your body was going through was a pretty normal response. Not for-real 'shock' (except maybe a psychogenic response), but doesn't make the response any less real or significant. 2) the itching isn't 'phantom' it is a for-real side effect of narcotics. 3) "Hollywood wound", yeah, in the movies they have guys with multiple shots run from here to there. That's very rare. Monty Python's "it's just a flesh wound" is a very big deal. No such thing as a minor GSW.

    Buy a tourniquet, learn to use it. Hopefully never again for you, but you are a case study in "you never know." You don't need to spend $250 for a class; check out, you can get a class for free.

  7. #47
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    OP: That's the best ND write-up I've ever read. I felt like it was me with the leg wound.

    I will be extra careful from now on because of your post.

  8. #48
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    Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
    Politician's Prefer Unarmed Peasants

  9. #49
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    Best wishes for a speedy recovery. It takes balls to speak of it. I have done one and did it in front of my boys, like you I had taught and preached safe gun handling to them. Fortunately, I followed enough rules no one got shot, but my ego was shredded. Thanks for the feedback. I have racked a few handguns I knew where empty but were not. It makes your skin crawl. Its good to slow down.

    best of luck my friend.

    "Air Force / Policeman / Fireman / Man of God / Friend of mine / R.I.P. Steve Lamy"

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pappabear View Post
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery. It takes balls to speak of it. I have done one and did it in front of my boys, like you I had taught and preached safe gun handling to them. Fortunately, I followed enough rules no one got shot, but my ego was shredded. Thanks for the feedback. I have racked a few handguns I knew where empty but were not. It makes your skin crawl. Its good to slow down.

    best of luck my friend.

    Check, check twice, finger probe.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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