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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by jack crab View Post
    Or, one of your trusted shooting buddy's sons get popped for drugs. Cops lean on him. Shooting buddy/dad comes to the rescue. DA offers a deal.

    Shooting buddy contacts you to buy/sell a firearm one of you knows the other would like. Controlled buy goes down.

    You are looking at one year, a $1k fine, plus attorneys' fees for your defense.
    I'm seriously concerned that Armslist, etc, will now be loaded with sting operations. Given how leftist the judges here are, I'm sure many decent people will be made examples of once the first arrests are made. Mean while, the cholos will be swapping guns & ammo just like always, and will continue their violent burglarizing, car jacking and drug dealing, just like always.

    DOC- I'm afraid you are spot on. The Dems and faceless money in Fanta Se have been stacking the deck with politicians and legislators for a long time to start the gun grab. Look at California & New York- that is the template these people are following. This governor and her cronies are just warming up with this UBC garbage.
    Last edited by Co-gnARR; 03-14-19 at 18:54.

  2. #22
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    The New Mexico Republicans are leading a movement to repeal the offending law using the power of the people.

    New Mexico has a provision in its Constitution, rather similar to that in Switzerland. If the legislature passes a law offensive to the people, they can demand a referendum be held. If the law is not approved of in the referendum, the law is annulled. The Republican party in the New Mexico House released this notice: From
    Santa Fe – House Republicans joined New Mexico’s Sheriffs to begin the process of overturning radical anti-2nd Amendment laws on Thursday. Joining thousands of New Mexicans who rallied against anti-2nd Amendment bills across the state, House Republicans announced they will begin the formal process to annul Senate Bill 8.

    Under the New Mexico Constitution, the people have the power to “disapprove, suspend and annul” laws enacted by the Legislature. The process begins with a petition of New Mexico voters and requires several different actions depending on the number of signatures. The number of required signatures is based on the voters who cast a ballot in the 2018 General Election and actions to be taken include:
    1. If 10% of voters sign a petition, the law is placed on the ballot for approval or rejection of all voters.
    2. If 25% of the voters sign the petition within 90 days after adjournment of the session, the law is immediately suspended and it is placed on the ballot for approval or rejection of all voters.

    “The response to this bill and others like it all around New Mexico is unprecedented, and we need to listen to the people,” said House Republican Leader Rep. Jim Townsend (R-Artesia). “What is happening in Santa Fe does not reflect what an overwhelming number of New Mexicans want, so we’re going to make sure they are heard.”

    “New Mexicans in 25 counties have made it clear that they do not support restrictions on their 2nd Amendment rights,” said House Republican Whip Rod Montoya (R-Farmington). “Clearly Santa Fe is out of touch …This is not my New Mexico.”
    Rep. Townsend sent a letter to the Secretary of State requesting the petitions for Senate Bill 8. The petitions will then be circulated across New Mexico for signatures.
    My take: This portends well for other draconian laws the Santa Flush liberals want to pass, like a semi-auto ban. I wonder now many New Mexicans own AR-15's?

  3. #23
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    That could be a dangerous plan...

  4. #24
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    The problem is the majority of New Mexico’s population reside between Santa Fe and Albuquerque. Most of the money is here, as well. The leftists are deeply entrenched and well funded. It is symbolic that we are seeing this rally against the progressofascists but it will be an uphill struggle, without any implication of ballot tampering or manipulation of petitions. And we all know how corrupt the bureacrats and elected officials are.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Co-gnARR View Post
    The problem is the majority of New Mexico’s population reside between Santa Fe and Albuquerque. Most of the money is here, as well. The leftists are deeply entrenched and well funded. It is symbolic that we are seeing this rally against the progressofascists but it will be an uphill struggle, without any implication of ballot tampering or manipulation of petitions. And we all know how corrupt the bureacrats and elected officials are.
    If all you have are two cities running the whole state, that just means the pro-gun folks can concentrate their fire more easily. Blitz them with ads, stories and petitions. Engage them directly and explain why SB8 goes against the NM culture across the state. Discourage them from voting to retain SB8.

    Oh, and don’t forget to deluge the NRA on supporting the referendum. They need to be in the fight, not on the sidelines. Most of all, lobby, lobby, lobby the legislature to stop these anti-gun bills. They’re unconstitutional and counterproductive to the state.
    What if this whole crusade's a charade?
    And behind it all there's a price to be paid
    For the blood which we dine
    Justified in the name of the holy and the divine…

  6. #26
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    Historically, it's the rural areas that have elected Republicans over the votes of the liberals in the big cities. That may have changed. But this "universal background check" law might be a good test case to see if 2A rights are going to override liberal gun-grabbing legislation. If a voter referendum results in the background check law being repealed or annulled, then the legislature may not waste time during the 30-day session trying to pass a semi-auto or mag ban. If, on the other hand, the law doesn't have enough support to be annulled, then we'd better start planning on burying our AR's in the back yard.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Co-gnARR View Post
    The problem is the majority of New Mexico’s population reside between Santa Fe and Albuquerque. Most of the money is here, as well. The leftists are deeply entrenched and well funded. It is symbolic that we are seeing this rally against the progressofascists but it will be an uphill struggle, without any implication of ballot tampering or manipulation of petitions. And we all know how corrupt the bureacrats and elected officials are.
    But at least 25% of the State's total revenue comes from the Northwest and Southeast Parts of the State - huge oil and gas production areas, and these areas are VERY Conservative. There's power in that. Just up in San Juan County, New Mexico (Northwest), if at full production, they still have an estimated 300 year supply of natural gas.
    Maj. USAR (Ret) 160th SOAR, 2/17 CAV
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    Black Mesa Ranch. Raising Fine Cattle and Horses in San Miguel County since 1879

  8. #28
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    Funny that the State AG is all bent about county Sheriffs not enforcing State law, but then the State turns around and proudly refuses to even cooperate with federal LEA let alone enforce federal law.
    It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! ... Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" - Patrick Henry in an address at St. John’s Church, Richmond, Virginia, on March 23, 1775.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by NWPilgrim View Post
    Funny that the State AG is all bent about county Sheriffs not enforcing State law, but then the State turns around and proudly refuses to even cooperate with federal LEA let alone enforce federal law.
    Liberal hypocrysy runs deep.

  10. #30
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    Artesia State Rep. Jim Townsend (R-54) vowed a legal fight against Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver and her rejection of a petition to overturn New Mexico’s expanded background check law.

    Toulouse Oliver determined Friday that the proposed petition referendum did not satisfy the necessary technical and legal requirements of New Mexico law, read a news release from the New Mexico Office of the Secretary of State.

    “We understand our options and are prepared to pursue remedies through the courts if necessary,” Townsend said.

    On March 7, Townsend and Farmington House Minority Whip Rep. Rod Montoya (R-1) sent a letter to Toulouse Oliver of their desire to initiate a referendum petition to overturn Senate Bill 8, signed by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham days before the 2019 New Mexico Legislative session ended March 16.
    Toulouse Oliver received a draft petition referendum from Townsend on March 11, per the release.

    “Her rejecting the draft petition was not surprising or unexpected,” Townsend said. “She is politically charged, and I expected her response to be along those lines.”

    In Friday’s letter to Townsend, Toulouse Oliver determined the legal deficiencies of the draft petition and listed why she was unable to approve and certify the petition for circulation, read the release.
    “The Secretary of State noted five items that she believed kept her from approving the draft petition,” Townsend said. “Our attorneys believe four of those are easily curable and we are in the process of addressing those issues.”

    One of the key deficiencies noted in the release are that laws providing for the public peace, health and safety are not subject to referendum.

    “New Mexico courts have consistently ruled that legislation is exempt from referendum under the New Mexico Constitution if the legislation ‘bears a valid reasonable relationship of public peace, health or safety,’" per the release.

    Townsend is confident the courts will side with New Mexico House Republicans.

    “Yes, I do believe we will prevail because this isn’t a political party issue,” he said. “It's not about Democrats or Republicans, it is about freedom and rights.

    "We have had hundreds of people contact us from both parties and ask us to continue to represent them and we will. So yes, I believe voters still have a chance of having their voices and votes heard, even in New Mexico.”
    My take: Keep up the fight. Maybe it will dampen their enthusiasm for passing any more stupid gun laws.

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