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Thread: ALL LEO'S

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
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    Everything's pretty much been covered. I'll just echo the fact of while in the need to be first but absolutely don't be last. Just shut up and listen and do what your told. In my class, half the time they would forget I was even there becuase I just did what I was told and didn't bring any undue attention to myself.

    And the physical stuff, well, it's just physical stuff. Grind it out and just remember, every day completed is one less to go.

    On the street, listen to your FTO. Watch him and learn. If it's like our FTO program you ride with at least 2 FTO's. That way you can take different tactics from each officer and come up with your way to do things the right way. Certain things one officer may handle something might fit you better than the other one and vice versa. But overall, listen and learn.

    Congrats and good luck.
    Si vis pacem, para bellum

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    On a huge sandbar...
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    Here's a suggestion - Be a regular guy.

    A buddy crashed his bike this weekend, he was hit by a deer that hunters flushed out of the woods with their dogs. He was doing about 60mph when he was thrown to the ashphalt and was pretty shaken up. He was refusing EMT help, but he wanted to "lie down" while we waited for someone to go get their truck with a trailer so we could haul the wreck away. We made him comfortable on the side of the road with some ground cover and jackets, but he looked like crap. He was gray, shaking and not talking much.

    Here's the cool part, the Deputy that showed up was patient, calm, cool and collected. He demanded nothing and showed a great deal of concern for my friend laying on the ground. That Deputy stayed with us and shot the sh!t for almost an hour, talking about riding, rifles, crazy ammo prices and life in general. He was a regular guy standing there with us and after a while, most of us forgot he was a LEO! (evidenced by one of the riders talking about what "the cops" would do in xyz situation...)

    He wasn't in a hurry to go anywhere because he wanted to make sure my buddy got up and started moving around before he left with the radio. He saw his condition and was standing by to render assistance if need be. It wasn't until the downed rider got up and started moving around, gaining his color back and talking with the Deputy that he started to work his way toward his cruiser for a slow exit.

    I know there are a lot of LEO's out there that would do the same and I hope you become one of 'em...

  3. #13
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    I'm not LEO but the advice on this thread will help anyone embarking on a new career.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Brandon/Venus FL.
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Skintop911 View Post
    Mind your mouth.
    Mind your booze.
    Mind your zipper.

    Yes sir, no sir, three bag bags full sir.

    You know nothing. Don't think otherwise for quite some time.

    Whatever interesting things you might have done prior to this aren't relevant.
    Outstanding post, damn good advice! Those six lines could get people from all walks of life very far in this world.

    357sigger good luck stay fit and let us know how it is going.
    Married to my hero life saver best friend wife & proud father of 2.

    BSmith "But, some of the shit falls under the "just because you can..."
    Iraqgunz "Enough of your nonsense. Please check yourself post haste."
    markm "If you like the side charger and see the lack of dust cover as a plus, you should double down on bad ideas and get a piston as well. A case of Independece Ammo will be the icing on the cake."

  5. #15
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    Tell the instructors you don't like how the Glock "FEELS" in your hands.

    Then ask them when you qual on Patrol Rifle if you can put a Hogue rubber grip on your weapon!

    They really like high maintenance recruits!

  6. #16
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    it has only been three years since i was in my academy, so its all still fresh in my head (nightmares, cold sweats, etc.) lol. youll make friends in the academy, some will be there all through your carreer, some will be your friend during the academy and when they get out on the street, they may join there own "click" and never pay attention to you again. i had a good friend in the academy and after graduation, we were assigned to different divisions. about 3 months later i saw him in the detective office and he acted like he didnt know me and was too good to talk to me, Asshole. just realize that the dept. will change you in many ways. good and bad. but like the others say just keep your nose clean and stay out of trouble until your out of your probational period. also, in my class there were alot of guys who would so called "study" after class. this consisted of drinking and chasing women. none of them got in any trouble during the academy, but, it became well known throughtout the dept. and they would catch heat from senior guards who thought that they werent taking it seriously enough. just remember your peers can get you in trouble, so use your head and be smart about your decisions. especially during the academy.

  7. #17
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    Your badge will get you women
    Women will get your badge. Conduct yourself accordingly.

    Take care of the hands that take care of you. From the janitor right on up. You never know who will be the one to speak up for you and tell the truth. This will keep you out of the Old Man's office.

    You will know nothing for about 5 years. People who have been humping the road for 15 years really don't think you have an opinion. it's nothing personal, we've all been there. Open your ears and eyes and keep your mouth out of gear.

    Never forget you are dealing with people. Some of them not worthy of sucking air, but people all the same.

    if it walks like a duck, acts like a duck, it's probably a duck.

    One final story that was told to me in FTO almost 16 years ago:

    A little girl was walking through the woods one winter. it was cold, snow on the ground. Freezing. She came upon a snake laying there, dying. She picked the snake up and put in in her jacket. Kept it warm and fed it. Nursed it back to health through the winter.

    Spring came and the snow melted. The little girl took the snake out of her jacket. the snake immediately bit her on the hand. The little girl, heartbroken, said, "How could you? after all i have done for you and kept you alive, how could you bite me like that?" The snake replied, "stupid bitch, you knew I was a snake when you picked me up."

    Don't just read the story, understand it. You'll do fine.


  8. #18
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    you have 10 seconds to make a good first impression.

    it takes a lifetime to build a rep and 2 seconds to loose it.

    Be the Humblest of the Proud, and the Proudest of the Humble.

    Learn the difference between: The Letter of the Law, and the Spirit of the Law

    once you put the uniform on, normal rules of civility and social norms do not apply to you; a higher level comes with the badge.

    Never do something that you wouldn't be proud to tell your children.

    .....and Smile!!! you made the first hurdle. congrats.
    Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Chicago, IL.
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    *You are NOT entitled to ANYTHING due to your Law Enforcement Officer status. You are NOT "Better" than those that you will take an oath to serve and protect.

    OFFICER SAFETY is paramount. While you will have FTO's that will tell you how important it is, rarely will you have one that actually practices what he/she preaches. DO NOT discount this fact. They WILL pass along their bad habits to you, if you allow them to.

    DO NOT allow others bad habits dictate how you operate in terms of how you deal with people on your traffic stops, terry stops, etc.

    If you are backing someone up, and you notice something that is not right, CORRECT IT!!! (Before you, or the civilian you are checking or speaking to gets hurt or killed)

    Learn how to talk to people if you dont already possess that skill. Dont loose your mind out on the street because you are dealing with some drunk with a hyper-active mouth.

    In terms of training: Unless you work for that extremely rare agency that is truly progressive about training their officers in relevant/useful material, you will need to search out good training for yourself, and pay for it out of your own pocket. That is, if you want to be prepared for the fight.
    Last edited by nickdrak; 01-07-09 at 13:39.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    High Plains of Texas!
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    Thumbs up Becoming a LEO

    I was going to chime in and give my $.02, but all of the previous advice is spot-on. With my Military time and LE time, I have approx. 40 years experience. I am still serving a Military role with a Commission in my state's Guard as a reservist(Got hurt going AIRBORNE! and wasn't able to go back to active duty. Always regretted it, too!) And I am a full time LEO as a Marshal for my city. I can tell you that ALL of the information that everybody has given you is VERY GOOD. FOLLOW IT! I can't add anything to what these men have told you. You can do this and make the ranks of the Thin Blue Line. Good Luck and God Bless.
    Governor's Twenty!
    "Cry Havoc and Let Slip....."
    "It's Official...52% of Americans are Dumb Asses!"

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