I have been getting back into the habit of running a few miles 3 or more times a week in my neighborhood. While I honestly don't expect trouble, I have been almost bitten by a number of dogs, and frankly would be wide open to attack by a person after running 3 or 4 miles. The area I live in is very nice and safe, but surrounding areras are not so nice and safe and I am afraid of "spill over". So I am looking for something to carry while jogging.

I am looking into a 2 pronged approach here, number one is a suitable firearm to carry, number two is a suitable method to carry said firearm.

First let me say this. I have an M&P9 Compact. I will not be carrying anything like this on a run. It's too heavy and too bulky to be carried on my person while running. I need something that weighs less than half as much, and probably cuts the dimensions in half as well. I am looking for something inexpensive and very corrosion proof. I sweat like crazy while running and I fully expect this thing to get soaked in sweat. Also there must be zero doubt it will survive a fall to concrete without an AD. A few things I have considered is a NAA mini-revolver in .22 Magnum, or perhaps a cheapo Keltec in .32 or something of the like. I am fully open to suggestions, but please understand my criteria. I am not about to strap on my 1911 for a 5 or 6 mile run.

As far as a carry method goes, this is the area I am even more shaky on. I have read about the belly band, and I just don't see it working for me. It seems like it would constrict my breathing too much and soak up sweat like a sponge. Likewise I have read about necklace holsters, but the idea of the weapon bouncing around on the holster, flagging me non-stop in the precess doesn't sound very appealing either. I don't know about wearing a fanny pack...I think they're pretty damn gay...but it might be my best option.

Anyway I look forward to some ideas and open discussion.