So who's a big action/sci fi/gung ho shoot em up movie buff? I am, as is most of America I'm sure. Growing up I loved the classic 80's shoot em up movies. Pointless and super entertaining. Well, specifically let's focus on "Lethal Weapon" here. One of the classics. Two cops who solve every single case with excessive force and violence! Love it. Hadn't seen it in years until tonight. But as the sequals went on they became more anti gun political. Now LW4 is currently on. What do I notice????? An anti NRA poster in the police dept. The poster says a child is killed everyday by a handgun in the U.S. and a spot for support for the AWB. And now that I'm recalling what about the infamous cop killer bullets in part 3? The all assult weapons are killers bit. I mean come on wtf Hollywood? Most of the movies out there are based on violence, however tactically challenged they are. But that really bugs me. How hypocritical can it be? I'm curious as to what other movies out there you all consider antigun. Especially those that are violent to begin with.