The Tactical Response / GORGRP Ltd. Immediate Action Medical Course is coming to California!

Pasadena, CA
August 12-13, 2006

Designed for operators, law enforcement, and prepared individuals, this 2-day, 20-hour + program teaches you the critical life and limb saving skills you MUST have to save your life or the life of a teammate or victim.

Class will be with GORGRP, Ltd.’s RESQDOC (Dr. Brown) and cadre, learning REAL WORLD tactical field medicine and life & limb saving techniques.

Training topics include:
Tactical patient assessment & movement
GSW & blast injuries
Tissue lab
Immediate lifesaving actions
Managing airways
Managing bleeding
Managing head & spine injuries
Heat, cold, burn, crush injuries
EXTENSIVE hands-on practice & scenarios with moulaged patients in tactical field exercises

Successful graduates will be certified, and medical personnel will receive CME/CEU’s!

Visit the to register.