I have a question about barrel harmonics. Specifically the harmonics of a G.I. profile barrel. I can understand how the concept applies to bull barrels and to barrels with a constant taper. In those instances the mass of the barrel is evenly distributed along the length of the barrel. The G.I. profile with its changing thicknesses and BULGES oddly distributed along the length of the barrel seems to make things much more complicated. With the mass distribution being so messed up, is it safe to assume that harmonic periods of the barrel are equally messed up? It seems to me that the large mass at the front half of the barrel would have a slower period than the back half of the barrel with its thinner profile and resulting lower mass and stiffness. So with that in mind is free floating as effective with a G.I. profile barrel as it would be with a bull or tapered barrel?

Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on the subject.
