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Thread: Elite Ammo Drama--Herle vs. Wolf

  1. #1
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    Elite Ammo Drama--Herle vs. Wolf

    Continued from here:

    Quote Originally Posted by DocGKR View Post
    Never received any ammo...
    And you never will.

    Their "shop" (Jay Wolf's basement) was raided by ATF last July; they were found to be illegally manufacturing and selling ARMOR PIERCING HANDGUN AMMUNITION; wherein the ATF seized their entire stock of contraband ammo, customer records, computers, tooling, machines, supplies; they've yet to be charged, but that is just a matter of time.

    Especially considering that in the 5 years they've been in business, they haven't paid a penny of the 11% Federal Arms and Ammunition Excise Tax required by law, have not paid a penny in corporate income tax, payroll tax, State/County/City assessments - or Worker's Compensation Tax.

    During the last 3 years alone they have been complicit in mail fraud, financial fraud, identity theft, stalking, impersonations of Law Enforcement and private citizens; these are not people of high moral character.

    How do I know these things?

    Three years ago I terminated my business relationship with them; they had, over an 8 month period of time, falsified stock-sales certificates, with the aid of Lisa Wolf's mother Lupe; they STOLE my 50% share of the company, and then to perfect their theft, began the singly most vicious campaign of slander, libel and defamation that I, and the Attorney General of Wisconsin, have ever seen.

    Three years of identity theft. Three years of having my name dragged through the mud by these.. people. Three years of almost daily having to send letters to internet companies ordering them to remove profiles and accounts created by Jay and Lisa Wolf, who are impersonating me.

    Three years of constant State, Federal and Local police contact; they just can't resist the urge to threaten people in my name, and then direct LE towards me.

    Yes, Jay and Lisa Wolf and I have a storied past; yes, I am partially responsible for the animosity between us - but my share is the lesser share - I never stole anything from them. I never impersonated them. I never broke the law, and in order to cover my tracks, blamed it on someone else.

    I didn't cyberstalk them; they have me and several dozen other people.

    Here's a bit of additional information on Jay Wolf and Lisa Wolf; I guarantee you'll think twice before believing anything they have to say if you read 1% of what I have compiled; for 3 years they've cyberstalked me, and I remained completely silent in public, gathering evidence and coordinating with 3 others who were and remain being stalked by Jay and Lisa Wolf; for the time being I'm acting as figurehead; two are active LE and don't wish to have their names bandied about.. yet. The other is simply devastated by what they've done to him and can't bear any more public humiliation.

    BEWARE of doing business with Jay Wolf, Lisa Wolf, or Elite Ammunition; they are liars, thieves, braggarts... and CRIMINALS.

    And in stark contrast to the way Jay and Lisa Wolf harass people, with false names and striking from the dark when your back is turned, my name is Ryan J Herle, and I claim full responsibility for the content of this message - and I claim it to be 100% FACTUAL; I'm not even going to try the "this is my opinion, and as such protected speech" game here; no, I claim this to be TRUTH.

    Let them sue me if they believe it isn't; better yet, let them file a criminal compliant; there's more than one way to trap a crook - usually all you have to do is let them keep talking long enough, and they'll convict themselves.

    If you have a few HOURS to wade through BS, read here:

    Fun parts of this post include a claim that they're "going into business with Remington" to provide them with a "revolutionary new bullet type," (as if Remington would need the 'expertise of a guy working from his basement with a screw machine), and the claims of making bullets "that require paperwork," meaning "restricted AP ammunition," which requires a Type 10 FFL - they only have a Type 06.

    Lies about his ATF 'raid."

    Google it, and read the variations between stories he tells on different websites.

    Here's an article that follows-up on Jay Wolf's claims of being mistreated by ATF and conducting lawful business - he originally claimed that NRA-ILA and GOA were providing lawyers for him, then regressed to begging for "defense funds."

    NRA says there's no reason for them to get involved; the BATFE was justified.

    "NRA-ILA is aware of and monitoring the situation. If ATF oversteps their regulatory authority, we will take action, but at this time we are aware and monitoring what is happening,” said Rachel Parson, NRA spokesperson."

    They've done nothing because Jay Wolf is in the wrong.

    Follow up by author Dan Kidder, editor of Sportsman's News;

    "It appears at this time that the rumor of vast sweeping changes of status to .223/5.56 ammunition have been overstated and what we have instead is a case of single manufacturer who may have stepped too closely to the line of what is permitted under the current regulations. Jay Wolf, CEO of Elite Ammunition currently has a lawsuit pending against BATFE and we may have to await the outcome of that suit before we learn the true facts regarding this case. While we at Sportsman’s News Magazine are always glad to verify the veracity of any rumors regarding our rights as sportsmen, we do urge anyone hearing any rumors to proceed with a certain level of skepticism, lest we end up crying WOLF and ending up with egg on our face."

  2. #2
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    I recall Jay boasting about threatening an unhappy customer by paying an LE customer in ammo to harass said unhappy customer.

  3. #3
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    Wow. Just wow.

  4. #4
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    What's even more funny is that Jay Wolf has NO NSA contacts. Or FBI contacts. Or DHS contacts. Or State Police contacts. Or County Sheriff contacts. Or City Police contacts.

    Jay Wolf has NO LE contacts that can do a damn thing for him; its a lie - which is the usual MO of Jay Wolf; his method is quite simple, "if they challenge you, defame them. If they prove false a point, defame them. If they have caught you in a lie, defame them. If they sue you for damages, defame them - then threaten them - then file for bankruptcy."

    That is Jay Wolf's business plan.

    Jay Wolf is nothing more than a 1 1/2 bit clown. He's no engineer, he's no load developer, he's no author, and he's no friend. To anyone, unless they can give him something, and the cease to be when their usefulness has worn out, or he's taken all they have and can't give any more.

    Do not trust a thing Jay Wolf says; he is a habitual and pathological liar. Jay Wolf is a thief. When in concert with his mentally ill wife, Lisa, they conspire to harm anyone whom they take a dislike to; their cyberstalking of dozens of people reads like a "Lifetime Television for Women" drama, wherein cyberstalkers cause so much injury and distress to their victims that they kill themselves.

    They are evil and low people. And I state that as a fact, waiving the normal caveat of "opinions being protected speech," and say, using my own real name (in contrast to their stalking practice of concealing their identity), that Jay Wolf and Lisa Wolf of Elite Ammunition are thieves, liars and dangerous people; the type that can't bring anything but hatred and malice to a conversation, and the type of people that Handgun Control Inc. love to display to the Congress when pushing for greater control over privately owned firearms.

    Every single word I've said is TRUE; should they sue me or seek criminal charges for what I've said, and as I've previously said, these messages are NOT my opinion, and therefore protected speech, but FACTS, which are not if they are false.

    Truth is a defense to libel and defamation - and this is TRUTH.

    Read a few of these links; when you're done laughing you'll feel sick in the stomach, realizing what they've done to other people for no other reason that malicious entertainment.

    -Ryan J Herle;sa=showPosts

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fail-Safe View Post


    I recall Jay boasting about threatening an unhappy customer by paying an LE customer in ammo to harass said unhappy customer.

    I'm not seeing all 19 pages of this topic; perhaps its archived?

  6. #6
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    The guy wasn't an unhappy customer; he was a member of the public who was protesting Jay's wife Lisa's PUBLIC BLACKLIST of customers, and Jay didn't like the guy being snippy with his wife.

    So he threatened the guy, and was stupid enough to do it in writing...

    Here is the entire conversation:
    "Wow, some new info. I sent this:


    Thanks for being anti-American and working hard to fight the Second Amendment. There are others out there like you and I will be sure to keep you on my blacklist of ammo manufacturers not buy from.

    Later comrade.


    Here's the responses I've received:

    Hey tough guy next time you feel like pushing some one around try Me instead of a girl.

    FYI one of our longtime friends and customers works for the NSA. I just dropped him a note. 100 rounds of our LEO only ammo in trade for all the info He can dig up on you.

    So keep on harassing my wife and your world is going to get very interesting for you.

    Jay Wolf
    Pr. Elite Ammunition


    I don't know who the hell you are so why don't you be man enough to tell me your name instead of sending an email from a new address and signing it X.

    And I don't really care if you have me on your blacklist because I have many customers who are happy with our products & services and don't do stupid things to get banned from buying from the ONLY aftermarket company making 5.7x28mm ammunition.

    So when you are ready to show your true identity than contact me. Our ban list is short so it could only be one of 5 people.


    Because you decided you could not understand the nationwide industry problem with getting supplies and were really rude to me that is why you were banned from our company. As I stated to you at the other email address earlier today. Please stop playing games. I have real customers who actually need to be tended too.

    Lisa Wolf
    Elite Ammunition
    Customer Service Manager

    Wow, just wow. He's got the NSA coming for me for voicing my opinion of their business practices.


    Here's a bit more background information: http://jaywolfcyberstalker.blogspot....-incident.html

  7. #7
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    Doc will be able to test the ammo because after I dumped my PS90 in lieu of a 6.8 AR Pistol, I sent him a box of my Elite ammo for testing. I am REAL curious to see how it does. I was never fond of Elite and the little clique they had going at the PS90 forum. Those guys spent hours on that forum trying to justify the "superior" ballistics of the platform. I got kicked off for questioning some of the claims.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan J Herle View Post
    And you never will.

    Their "shop" (Jay Wolf's basement) was raided by ATF last July; they were found to be illegally manufacturing and selling ARMOR PIERCING HANDGUN AMMUNITION; wherein the ATF seized their entire stock of contraband ammo, customer records, computers, tooling, machines, supplies; they've yet to be charged, but that is just a matter of time.

    Especially considering that in the 5 years they've been in business, they haven't paid a penny of the 11% Federal Arms and Ammunition Excise Tax required by law, have not paid a penny in corporate income tax, payroll tax, State/County/City assessments - or Worker's Compensation Tax.

    During the last 3 years alone they have been complicit in mail fraud, financial fraud, identity theft, stalking, impersonations of Law Enforcement and private citizens; these are not people of high moral character.

    How do I know these things?

    Three years ago I terminated my business relationship with them; they had, over an 8 month period of time, falsified stock-sales certificates, with the aid of Lisa Wolf's mother Lupe; they STOLE my 50% share of the company, and then to perfect their theft, began the singly most vicious campaign of slander, libel and defamation that I, and the Attorney General of Wisconsin, have ever seen.

    Three years of identity theft. Three years of having my name dragged through the mud by these.. people. Three years of almost daily having to send letters to internet companies ordering them to remove profiles and accounts created by Jay and Lisa Wolf, who are impersonating me.

    Three years of constant State, Federal and Local police contact; they just can't resist the urge to threaten people in my name, and then direct LE towards me.

    Yes, Jay and Lisa Wolf and I have a storied past; yes, I am partially responsible for the animosity between us - but my share is the lesser share - I never stole anything from them. I never impersonated them. I never broke the law, and in order to cover my tracks, blamed it on someone else.

    I didn't cyberstalk them; they have me and several dozen other people.

    Here's a bit of additional information on Jay Wolf and Lisa Wolf; I guarantee you'll think twice before believing anything they have to say if you read 1% of what I have compiled; for 3 years they've cyberstalked me, and I remained completely silent in public, gathering evidence and coordinating with 3 others who were and remain being stalked by Jay and Lisa Wolf; for the time being I'm acting as figurehead; two are active LE and don't wish to have their names bandied about.. yet. The other is simply devastated by what they've done to him and can't bear any more public humiliation.

    BEWARE of doing business with Jay Wolf, Lisa Wolf, or Elite Ammunition; they are liars, thieves, braggarts... and CRIMINALS.

    And in stark contrast to the way Jay and Lisa Wolf harass people, with false names and striking from the dark when your back is turned, my name is Ryan J Herle, and I claim full responsibility for the content of this message - and I claim it to be 100% FACTUAL; I'm not even going to try the "this is my opinion, and as such protected speech" game here; no, I claim this to be TRUTH.

    Let them sue me if they believe it isn't; better yet, let them file a criminal compliant; there's more than one way to trap a crook - usually all you have to do is let them keep talking long enough, and they'll convict themselves.

    If you have a few HOURS to wade through BS, read here:

    Fun parts of this post include a claim that they're "going into business with Remington" to provide them with a "revolutionary new bullet type," (as if Remington would need the 'expertise of a guy working from his basement with a screw machine), and the claims of making bullets "that require paperwork," meaning "restricted AP ammunition," which requires a Type 10 FFL - they only have a Type 06.

    Lies about his ATF 'raid."

    Google it, and read the variations between stories he tells on different websites.

    Here's an article that follows-up on Jay Wolf's claims of being mistreated by ATF and conducting lawful business - he originally claimed that NRA-ILA and GOA were providing lawyers for him, then regressed to begging for "defense funds."

    NRA says there's no reason for them to get involved; the BATFE was justified.

    "NRA-ILA is aware of and monitoring the situation. If ATF oversteps their regulatory authority, we will take action, but at this time we are aware and monitoring what is happening,” said Rachel Parson, NRA spokesperson."

    They've done nothing because Jay Wolf is in the wrong.

    Follow up by author Dan Kidder, editor of Sportsman's News;

    "It appears at this time that the rumor of vast sweeping changes of status to .223/5.56 ammunition have been overstated and what we have instead is a case of single manufacturer who may have stepped too closely to the line of what is permitted under the current regulations. Jay Wolf, CEO of Elite Ammunition currently has a lawsuit pending against BATFE and we may have to await the outcome of that suit before we learn the true facts regarding this case. While we at Sportsman’s News Magazine are always glad to verify the veracity of any rumors regarding our rights as sportsmen, we do urge anyone hearing any rumors to proceed with a certain level of skepticism, lest we end up crying WOLF and ending up with egg on our face."
    There's a lot of info about you out on the net also, not good info, I'm not sure why you feel the need to ruin this thread.

  9. #9
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    So, what the hell exactly is cyber-stalking?

  10. #10
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    The FN cartridge will never be good for much other than shooting zombies in the head - and you can pull this trick off with any high-cap .22.

    There are a hand full of real world shootings where the BG was continued to fight after being shot several times.

    The biggest selling point of the 5.7mm is it will penetrate soft armor. You can do the same thing will hot 7.62x25mm or an ice pick.

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