Vehicle defense 1 AAR
CSAT - Paul Howe
March 26-27 2011
12 Students

It was a very different class dynamic than I had seen at any of the previous classes I've attended at other trainings. I've never seen such devotion to an instructor before. Most of the class had taken previous classes from CSAT, this was my first class from them. I would say the devotion is well earned Paul Howe & Eric Corley are excellent instructors.

The class was intended to give a basic overview of several different situations where you need to shoot out of, into and around vehicles.

Day 1:
Morning: Started off with classroom stuff for the first few hours.
Early Afternoon: Hit the range so they could assess students' shooting skills
Mid Afternoon: The real meat of the class started here. Learned proper techniques to shooting out of your vehicle shooting directly in front of your vehicle. Also learned proper use of vehicles as cover.
Late Afternoon: Went over medical supplies and packed our medical bag for the next day.

Day 2: Scenarios
Scenario 1- Come home to find people in your house and you must fight your way in as you have family home. Used sim rounds for this one, a well done scenario.
Scenario 2- Shoot out of a vehicle and apply medical aid to yourself as the vehicle is driving off. This was a fun one to say the least.
We brought everything we learned together and combined them here. Shoot out of vehicle, use vehicle as cover, apply first aid. Also shot moving targets.

The point of the class was to just hit the basics then have us go home and apply what we learned and practice it. So I would say the class gets across the information they want us to get. I liked what we did but when i left I felt like I was needing more. It felt like we just barely scratched the surface. In all fairness I am the type of person who will always be wanting more.

Paul and Eric are low key with their instruction. This creates a very good learning environment. If you are looking for the testosterone class then these aren't your instructors, go to Magpul (which is an exciting course btw). You won't find a more qualified instructor than Paul and what's great about him is he is able to relay his knowledge to the class in a very efficient and effective way. If I can only pick one class to attend next year it will be from CSAT.

He has DVD's he is just releasing btw if you want to watch the trailers and see his training style: