Hi Guys,

I don't post here much but I do read a good deal. First, a problem statement: When looking through the Aimpoint 3x Magnifier and seeing the Micro T-1's dot, it looks like a / with my normal cheekweld. If I move my head, it does become more dot like. The weird part is, without the magnifier I see ZERO distortion of the dot. It looks absolutely perfect.

The biggest problem I have with this is: I'm not sure where to aim! In fact, when shooting groups I'm ALWAYS more accurate, even at longer range, when I'm NOT using the magnifier! Because it's much easier to put the shot where I want it when the dot isn't all contorted.

Possible reasons for this:
1. Astigmatism. However, I just got an eye exam less than a month ago and the optometrist said for sure I don't have an astigmatism.

2. The magnifier is "magnifying" the imperfections of the dot as viewed by my eye. This is definitely a possibility and what Aimpoint has said about it when I contacted them.

3. The Aimpoint twist mount isn't lined up completely with my LT660 mounted Micro, causing a strange viewing angle? Adding parallax [is this even possible?]?

Are there any fixes for this? It seems like my shots go all over the place at 100 yards with the magnifier. I'm trying my best to take my time and concentrate, but even so I end up with something like an 8" 10-shot group.

Shooting without the magnifier and taking my time I can normally get it down to around a 3" 10-shot group. Which is not bad with M855.

Thanks in advance for your help.