Now, I may just be a civilian with an AR-15 among other firearms that I own....I came here for the hard, indepth research and knowledge of those who are more experienced with said firearm than I. What I dont seem to get is that the individual who started this thread has taken a very snide stance to his question and answer session. A firearm is no different from an automobile or a house, to understand how it works, what issues you may encounter, how to properly maintain it, you must do the research. That being said, what is wrong with making something personal? A renovation on a home or new set of rims is no different than a SOPMOD stock or holographic site for some of us. Then there are the professionals, who legitimately use them as tools on a daily basis and know more and use their weapon more than I ever will.

If you surround yourself with those who know more than you, you will learn a lot.