Short Version: Have you shot an Aimpoint while closing your non scoped eye? How did you like it?

Long Version:
Ok, I'm not blind as so much as my vision is uncorrectable 20/40 and the grey matter between my ears ignores the signal from the bad eye in any situation where it gets input from the good. I can trick my brain into depth perception by wearing 3D glasses (yes to see tge real world normally I'd have to wear 3D glasses (not something that I do, ever).

I've coped just fine with this, I drive well, I served in the military, I shoot with the good eye even though its my nondominate side. Now I've only ever used iron's, and have hunted everything from squirrel to elk doing so, and and even when at the range I'm good enough to score Expert 70% of the time. However, there seems to be a strong following for the RDS as its faster and a bit more accurate than iron's. it seems like these RDS require you to find your target with the eye not in the scope and for the combined image to paint the red dot on your target. I'm not so sure this would work with me, so anyone have success with closing an eye while using an aimpoint, or does that defeat the purpose of the aimpoint?