Quote Originally Posted by Dave-HuldraArms View Post
Hey Bravo,
Mike and I will be offering a 2 day carbine 1 course this summer. We are teaching this on our own but we are really excited to offer this and think it will be a great course. We also have some stuff that I have not seen in any other carbine courses as well as moving target drills. We may possibly offer a pistol course as well. Please shoot me a PM and I'd be more then happy to make sure you are on the email list. Also we will be offering some pistol courses as well. Don't let CP2 intimidate you, if you can handle a pistol safely and have a solid grasp of the fundamentals you would be fine. I would be more then happy to help with training before if you'd be interested.

Thanks, Dave. I have solid pistol skills (been shooting many years) but no official "level 1" course from anywhere/anyone so I thought that would automatically rule me out of CP2.

PM inbound on your carbine and pistol courses. I'd like to be sure I end up on that mail list.