I bought a Gerber 3-4 years ago at the PX and really liked it, but lost it the other day in the woods. I don't know the model, but it was assisted opening (which I really liked) and about $80. It was the only one I had so I'm looking for another. I said duty because its not going to be an EDC in civvies type thing but more of EDC in uniform. I don't need a tomahawk or fighting knife, but am also not concerned about it being easily concealed. I used the other one for basic cutting usually (MRE's, 550 cord, etc), but used it quite a bit. I do want something versatile though. I'd kind of like to be one and done on this since I'm not a huge knife guy. I'd also prefer to stick between Benchmade, Gerber, and SOG since I get discounts from all of those. It seems like that's the order for quality between the 3? I like the way the Benchmade Adamas looks, seems like a beast. Assisted opening (not so much auto) would be a plus. Any ideas?