Quote Originally Posted by Clem View Post
Samuse isn't wrong in his statement.
As you'll see as you frequent this forum more is that most people on here will offer advice to save your money and don't waste it on the cheap stuff. Keep your rifle as is, until you have the money to get quality gear.
Grip pods, cheap optics and lasers won't hold up well. And that's money you've wasted, that you could've put towards good equipment.
I appreciate your approach Clem, and I understand the "why I should buy the new Lexus", arguement. In fact, when I'm in the market for a new Lexus, I'll visit the proper forums here and I'm sure I'll be better for it. But I'm buying a mo-ped for a quick shooting session this or next weekend with the 200 I profited and another 200. I hope whatever stuff I buy won't "trash" my quality rifle forever, as samuse stated. I still can use that advice from someone if such advise exists, and I hope that was "humble" enough for some.