Quote Originally Posted by Iraqgunz View Post
Never going to happen.
Said the same thing about Heller/McDonald.

Quote Originally Posted by lunchbox View Post
A guy can dream of a no ATF America, like the one our founding fathers intended.
How about we work to make it a reality instead of just dream of it?

Quote Originally Posted by Gunfixr View Post
One would be that they are mainstream, really mainstream. You need to get rid of the Hollywood "assassin's tool" stigma.
You'd have to get current owners to not demand their $200 back per suppressor.
Your method of attack? Suppressors are listed as a "firearm". In nfa, "firearm" is defined. Suppressors do not fit the qualification, they never have.

All that said, I wouldn't hold my breath.

They are not going to want to give up the "free" $200 per unit they are getting now. When you look at how popular suppressors have become, it's easy to see this is a lot of money.

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If a person is not willing to restore Liberty for the simple cost of $200 while other greater men gave everything they had and will ever have truly they are the greediest, most damnable fools this side of Hell.