Or pouch, or whatever you want to call it. Basically something I'm looking for a mag pouch or carrier that can live on the belt for my EDC's Glock 19 reload. I've done the pocket carrier thing, it works in a pinch, but usually my cell and EDC light live in my support side pocket and shoving it in the back pocket ain't what I would call comfy, even if the comforting over comfort thing is brought up. The carrier I was using was this


which was a pretty decent piece of kit, I mean, it lasted about a year before it broke the other day, not trashing the thing mind you, I've broken a lot of stuff lately, including a SF light, a reloader, a windshield, a gun, another light, a few tools, and probably a few hearts. Anyway.... I'm looking for some suggestions before I say to hell with it and order another of the same pouch, carrier, thingy. I mean SKD is running a sale so.....
