Hot off the presses, more win for TRT for those who need it but worry about prostate cancer:

Study: Testosterone therapy does not raise prostate cancer risk

In the past 30 years, millions of men globally have been diagnosed with low testosterone levels and been prescribed supplemental testosterone as therapy – even as oncologists have confirmed testosterone as an agent that fuels prostate cancer and have treated the disease by reducing patients’ levels of the hormone.

With this backdrop comes research today showing that, among nearly 150,000 men over age 40 with low testosterone levels, treatment with testosterone was not associated with increased risk for aggressive prostate cancer.

The study, published in PLOS ONE, was jointly led by Drs. Thomas Walsh, Alvin Matsumoto and Molly Shores, all of UW Medicine and the VA Puget Sound Health Care System in Seattle.

“This finding doesn’t change the guidelines for how we recommend testosterone therapy,” said Walsh, an associate professor of urology at the University of Washington School of Medicine and clinician at VA Puget Sound. “Men should still have their testosterone diagnosed appropriately, with multiple readings, and be counseled about risks and benefits of treatment. But this large foundation of evidence allows us to look patients in the eye and say testosterone therapy does not appear to increase risk of prostate cancer over a moderate duration.”
