My wife and I plan to relocate out of Colorado in the coming months, and I realized that I need to get my ass in gear and do the 5320.20s...

Bumped into a question y'all might be able to help with, though. For box 3, they want the "Dates in Transit" for a permanent move. Is it acceptable to put a fairly generous range here? Since I don't know the exact date we'll be actually in transit, and AFT might take their sweet time with the approval, would it work to pad about a month on either end of what I expect the actual move date will be? I know that for non-permanent moves, this can be an entire year, but I'm not sure if that flies for a permanent move.

Also, they request two copies if you mail in the form...If I email it, do I need to attach the file twice? (That's kind of a joke, but also sort of serious...Just like the ATF)