Quote Originally Posted by WillBrink View Post
I think the top title "...She brings some welcome cash to what will be a costly effort to gain ballot access." Sums it up well. She will help Trump and hurt Biden as libs, progressives, etc will be interested in her mostly. What will happen next is what they did to Gary Johnson once he started making progress, get her to say something they can run with to make them look bad. RFK knows the game too well, is an attorney, etc, so difficult to manipulate. The media will eat her alive. It was unclear to me if RFK would harm Trump or Brandon more, or equally, now we know he's looking to focus on pulling votes that would go to Brandon mostly.
Almost anyone Trump gets as a running mate will seem sane compared to her, and all he'd have to do is say "look at her, she's crazy! Now look at my guy/gal, he/she is brilliant!" But Trump being Trump, who knows...