Quote Originally Posted by kirkland View Post
That looks like a nice vinyl collection. I've got a pretty decent collection myself, mostly from the 70's, some of them are great classic rock albums. I acquired them from people who were looking to get rid of their collection and also picked up a bunch on the cheap from used book stores back in the early 00's before the whole hipster thing made vinyls expensive again. It's funny, now CD's are really cheap at the used book stores. Vinyls are expensive but nobody wants CD's. There are some great albums for sale for really cheap on CD that are in great shape, no scratches.
I was a DJ from '84 to '95. Always vinyl, I never purchased a CD in my life until I was getting married and had to buy 10 of them to create our wedding compilation CD. I might currently own 18 CDs. To me it was a dead format and useless to a "live mix" DJ.