I buy more than sell on Ebay but have had good luck offloading junk I no longer want.

Not no more!

Went to sell a few items for the first time in ~a year. No problem posting and one item sold quick! Cool! Not really ...Fees have jumped to ~15%. Then find out they put a hold on my account until the can make a micro deposit and I confirm the amounts. Also a 2 week hold on funds! I've used the same account and bank for 15 years on Ebay....

Screw it! I was selling item at a loss so apologized to the buyer who was understanding and went to cancel the sale. When you do that Ebay keeps its fees. So on a cancel refund scenario they take the funds from purchase you would have received BUT you have to kick in the Ebay fees! Fine...$15 lesson learned! Go to pay and now they can't confirm my CC# either! I try 5 times making sure all particulars are correct and keep getting a message "can't confirm account, check and try again". I go to see if perhaps the micro deposits landed and see Ebay charged me 5 times! $75 and would still not cancel the sale prompting me to try yet again!

At least they answer the phone and after speaking with 3 "specialists" am told I will be refunded by Wednesday and the micro deposits by then and can proceed. All this due to severing ties with Paypal I was told.....

It's amazing how you can have a business model that relies 100% on other peoples investments and screw it up!

Anyways...a word of warning to those who like myself were selling occasionally on Ebay that it's toast and not worth the hassle. I feel lucky I only stand to lose $75 and will count it as money well spent to learn the lesson.

So fellas...learn from me!