Quote Originally Posted by ap1220 View Post
.... Probably more about “climate saving” and control your driving and you from driving. “I’m sorry Dave, you cannot travel anywhere today because you have surpassed your allowed carbon footprint for this week. Why don’t you walk, bike, or utilize public transportation instead.”
And like HAL9000, the solution is the same...

I just saw a video today that I'll try to find again, where a guy had his car serviced, it had to update the nav/entertainment/nanny system, and when he turned the car on the next day, it asked him to 'accept the terms of service".
Well, he decided to read them, and about 30 pages or so in, it had some stuff about consenting to the use of activating geo-fencing and geo-location. I'm heavily paraphrasing there was more to it than that, but the point was, it appears these nav systems are also able to tie into a system that can literally stop you from driving into certain areas...