Since this still fall's under Jay's guidelines regarding "social" for this room, I think I'm ok here, BUT...

I am looking for a combat veteran of Iraq or Afghanistan in the Pittsburgh area, who wouldn't mind addressing a small church group (classroom setting), about how their Christian faith shaped them going into combat, & how they have grown by the experience.

This would be a one evening engagement - it's part of a larger class I'm preparing on The Christian, Self Defense, & Firearms. I'm going to have a local LEO speak on another night from that perspective as well, FYI.

Mindful & respectful of your service, this is not a poke & prod you for war stories sort of event - we're really more interested in hearing how your faith has grown through the experience. There will be sweet little church ladies in attendance, so I'm looking for a presentation you could basically do in front of your grandmother.

I would be happy to talk at length & in more detail with anyone wishing to participate in this further. I'm looking at late spring (after Easter) before conducting this class, so hopefully that's plenty of lead time. Drop me a PM or e-mail, and we can go from there.

Thank you ALL ahead of time for your service, and your consideration of this request.