Quote Originally Posted by ex_soldier1911
Lets not forget, if we didn't have the FA, we would have to change SPORTS to SPORS.
Heheh, now that would be odd after having SPORTS rattle through my mind a million times over the last 12 years.

That said, and assuming proper PMCS and staked BCGs and whatnot. What immediate action drills are taught in the latest, greatest, civillian ran classes? And if it is the case, and or consensous, what is wrong with SPORTS for your IAD's?

Being an 11B for so long, I can't count the times the FA has kept me running. From -20 frozen up sluggish cycling at the NWTC, to sand caked failure to lock stoppages at NTC, the FA has served me well.

The FA is there for a reason, and when your in the heat of the action, a proper diagnosis of your stoppage is not possible. PFC Miller is a classic case of this in action, that FA saved his ass. Yes, his stoppages were most likely his fault for shoddy PMCS, which is a leadership issue, but at that moment it didn't matter. What did is he knew what to do, and did so in conjunction with his FA.