I made a new thread but I guess I might as well stick this in here.

What was planned:

From the original thread, "day to practice rappels- tactical and/or E&E (escape and evasion)." We also planned to cover how to build the Hasty Harness, Swiss Seat, and Munter hitch. The venue was Rocky Butte in Portland.

For a more complete plan see the original thread here.

What Happened:

I arrived about 9:45 and met BKB, t-bone, MistWolf, MistWolf Jr., and tradja got there about 10:00. Two ropes where already set up on a ~150 foot cliff. The basics of rappelling where explained and t-bone rapped down to the bottom to tail break. Then I went to the edge to look at the wall and dropped my figure 8 which hit the wall and then glanced off of t-bone at the bottom. After this BKB went just over the edge and me and tradja helped MistWolf and MistWolf Jr. get started, this was there first time rappelling. Everyone had there first rappel before 10:40 and we walked back up to the top and set up a jugging spot to shorten the walk back to the top. We got two or three more rappels using ATCs, figure 8, and BKB used a GriGri. At the jugging spot we used ascenders or just scrambled up the slope. At around 12 we took a break and had lunch. At lunch we discussed anchor options in buildings, kicking out dry wall to find studs and other options, and problems associated with these.

After lunch we moved a rope to go over a knuckle that was at the same level as the anchors. I volunteered to go to the bottom and tail break for everyone else. I had done several rappels where the anchor is at the same height as the drop off and knew that they are far harder than raps with anchor that are higher. As I backed out over the edge I got everyone's attention with something to the effect of, "When your anchor is low like this it make starting really diffuc" and then I slip over the edge on accident. I didn't drop very far but it was fast and I dragged the rope across a couple of good edges. Their was a little bit of sheath damage and one spot that even melted. Then when I was about half way down I got my shirt caught in the 8 and had to just keep going, it scorched the shirt but it turned out alright. After m debacle the rope was anchor more securely and everyone else made it down just fine and my second attempt was much better.

After everyone had gone down twice we decided to move to a new location to see if we could do a little climbing. At the this second spot BKB showed us how to make a Swiss Seat, Hasty Harness, and a Munter hitch. BKB then used a Hasty Harness and Munter hitch to rap down which was very impressive. At the new location we set up a jugging line and two rap lines and eventually a top rope on a 5.8ish route. We did a couple of simultaneous raps and climbed the route that we had put a top rope on. This is when I had to take off but I think that tradja, t-bone, and BKB hung out and did some more stuff.

What could have been done better:

I did not bring my A game. I dropped my 8 and hit t-bone with it and it could have been a lot worse than just the glancing blow that it was. Not only that but I slipped on the low anchor rap and got my shirt caught. I just wasn't at a 100 percent and it showed.

This was also the first time that I tried rappelling with my gun on. I had it in a Atomic dog holster using some leather IWB loops. Part way through the day I noticed that the rope had melted a nice little streak through the kydex (see picture below). Luckily this had no effect on the holster and rettention is still great. I thought it would be very uncomfortable being on the inside of my harness but it rode lower than the harness and was no issue at all. BKB had his pistol in a drop leg which seemed to be a much better option but he did run into one problem when some rope lodged in between his leg and the mag release and he dropped a mag a good 30 feet. The mag, it was a G17 mag, cracked and spit out a bunch of rounds. I think that a holster that protects the mag release would be a good thing to have.

Other than that it was a great day with lots of good refresher and learning. It was also nice to put some names with faces.

Everyone else with a camera should post their thoughts and pictures as well.

And last but not least a Big thanks to BKB for setting this up and making sure none of us killed our selves especially me.


