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Thread: Teach your kids how to shoot

  1. #1
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    Teach your kids how to shoot

    Hi Folks: I think we often forget, or at least too many do, that as shooting enthusiasts it is critical to each the next generation. The AR 15 is a great platform to introduce kids to the sport. I have been teaching my daughter, I think she is getting pretty good. Have a look!

    Always stress the basics and SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY. We also do a safety briefing on the way to the range and before we start to shoot.

    Take care.
    Last edited by johniac7078; 06-14-11 at 15:43.

  2. #2
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    Its funny this topic came up because i just purchased a S&W M&P 15-22 for my 3 year old to learn on. I took him out for the first time 3 days ago and he loved it. Hes still a little small to hold the rifle up by himself but he tries to look down the iron sights and fires in rapid succession. Its funny as hell but im a proud dad. Actually, my wife bought the gun for me to take him with, kind of a present for him, but with the meaning and the holiday all wrapped together. I wasnt supposed to know about it til fathers day but as soon as i walked in from my motorcyclw safety class, he grabbed my hand and said "daddy daddy mommy bough u a gun" haha! That alone was worth more than the actual present. He always looks out for me.

  3. #3
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    I remember like it was yesterday...I was six years old the first time I fired my grandfathers .22lr revolver, his "Saturday night special". Starting out with an AR would be like going from Pong to Playstation.

  4. #4
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    I was a little older the first time my dad let me shoot his marlin model 60 .22lr. Maybe 10 or so? He never really caught the gun bug, but I sure did. He gave me that old .22 a while back and it's a great shooter still.

    I have an "almost 5" year old girl and another girl that's 18 months. Inwant to get them into shooting at an early age, but I'm not sure what age is appropriate, and I also don't want her (my oldest) to be scared of all the noise and get turned off by that. She asks to go to the range with me, but I don't think she understands where I'm going or what I'm doing. Any suggestions? I think this would be easier with a boy.

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    I have three daughters, a 17yr old, 11yr old, and a 3yr old. Everyone one of them thouroughly understand the just how dangerous a firearm can be if not handled properly and treated as a toy. I make the two older one recite the 4 firearm safety rules prior to any range session and let them work on the fundementals by handling the gun/rifle at home with dry fire exercises. They all have shown a genuine interest since and I take them out as much as I can. Obviously the youngest one still has a way to go but, she seems like the one that will share the same passions I have when it comes to everything that surrounds getting proficient with shooting.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by tealio View Post
    I was a little older the first time my dad let me shoot his marlin model 60 .22lr. Maybe 10 or so? He never really caught the gun bug, but I sure did. He gave me that old .22 a while back and it's a great shooter still.

    I have an "almost 5" year old girl and another girl that's 18 months. Inwant to get them into shooting at an early age, but I'm not sure what age is appropriate, and I also don't want her (my oldest) to be scared of all the noise and get turned off by that. She asks to go to the range with me, but I don't think she understands where I'm going or what I'm doing. Any suggestions? I think this would be easier with a boy.
    I know what you're going through. My girlfriend has a son who's 5yo and I'd LOVE to take him to the range, but he's just not mature enough. I think that's the thing people should be looking at rather than a specific age to start the next generation of shooters.

  7. #7
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    like i said b4. my son is 3. hes is relatively obedient so i gave it a shot. b4 we exited the car, i put his hearing protection on. he understands what it is since i make him wear it when he rides the lawn mower with me too (i own a small Landscape biz). anyways, i tried to communicate to him that he is going to hear alot of loud noises and that its ok. nothing to worry about. the first step out of the car.....POP. his eyebrow raised, and stood erect and looked to see what was going on. i bent down and asked if that scared him. he shook his head no. right there, i knew he was gonna be ok!

    I think you just have to take baby steps with them. im not a believer in keeping toy guns away from kids. I also think that they are never too young to learn the basics. every time he gets a toy gun, i tell him NEVER point it at anyone and NEVER touch the trigger until you are ready to destroy whatever it is your weapon is aimed at. he may have a little trouble comprehending fully, but i think he gets it for the most part. he know not to point it at people.

    As far as range behavior, it was all business. I made if very clear we were not playing any games. i let him know to sit in his chair, on the opposite side of the fire line, and stay seated until he grabbed my attention to get up. i was proud that he obeyed that command. he sat patiently waiting for his turn to try out his new rifle. I have let him hold it in the house before but under strict circumstances triple checking the chamber, making it safe, etc...

    When he finished his first mag, he stood calmly while i loaded up a second. i think he got the message that guns are not toys. he knew that was not the place to play, and that i would end the trip at the first sign of immaturity or disobedience. To sum it up, he acted like a well disciplined soldier and did everything i asked. I think that age can understand, you just have to ask yourself if you have that control over your child. not that its a bad thing.

    Both my 3 year old and my 1 year old are very obedient. When we go outside, they know not to go into or past the ditch in our yard unless my wife or I are at the end of the driveway. they know that if i speak, they stop and listen. it takes being stern, consistent, and fair. They may not like it but I only have to say lets go in once, and they both turn around and head for the garage. maybe its because i still believe in the old fashioned spanking, whereas my neighbors across the street get 20 minutes of cardio every day to get their 4 year old in because they do not believe in using the stern voice, or a pop on the ass once in a while. the boy knows they wont do shit, therefore he runs around all he wants.

    bottom line, give it a shot. you can always call the trip early if things get out of hand. and introduce them slowly to it as well so u dont scare them. sorry for the long post, just thought i would give my 2 cents.
    Last edited by evenodds20; 06-15-11 at 01:15.

  8. #8
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    might i add that the youngins tend to mimic what the bigger siblings are doing. well, thats the way it is in my house anyways. my daughter absolutely cannot take it if she doesnt get to do everything my son does. (son is 3, daughter is 1) if he lays down behind my sniper rifle in the living room, shes gotta do it. if we are hitting golf balls in the front yard, shes gotta be doing it. if he takes a ride on my motorcycle around the front and back yard, believe, shes gonna have to do it as well. my wife and i have evolved into extreme life enjoyers. we scuba dive (my son talks non stop about scuba diving and seeing sharks and fish) ski/snow board, we both ride street bikes, we fish, walk, ride bicycles, exercise/do half marathons (my wife, not my lazy ass) just all around have a great time. and my son is picking up on all of it. he sees the hard work we put in to live that life style, and i think eventually he will correlate that eventually as his mind evolves. he surprises me every single day with something new he has learned. and i think everyones kids can do the same.

  9. #9
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    Great thread. I have a 3yo and a 5yo (boys). People that know me as a gun enthusiast are often surprised by the fact that I don't allow them to play with toy guns. I just don't want them seeing guns as toys you can point at people. As they go to school, and play over other children's houses, I'm can see losing control of this - but I'm still trying to teach them early not to treat any gun as a toy.

    My intention is to start the 5yo on a 10/22 in the next year or so. I had never even considered the 3yo yet! Good stuff. I have to overcome some of my wife's trepidation. She's not entirely on board yet (and has not real interest, more's the pity).
    Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never really care for anything else thereafter. -- Ernest Hemingway

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5cary View Post
    Great thread. I have a 3yo and a 5yo (boys). People that know me as a gun enthusiast are often surprised by the fact that I don't allow them to play with toy guns. I just don't want them seeing guns as toys you can point at people. As they go to school, and play over other children's houses, I'm can see losing control of this - but I'm still trying to teach them early not to treat any gun as a toy.

    My intention is to start the 5yo on a 10/22 in the next year or so. I had never even considered the 3yo yet! Good stuff. I have to overcome some of my wife's trepidation. She's not entirely on board yet (and has not real interest, more's the pity).
    i understand the reasoning for not playing with toy guns. but, i had them when i was a kid and remember being told not to point them, dont touch the trigger, etc.... so i figure if i understood at an early age, he hopefully will too. The wifes parents let her and her siblings have toy guns as well.

    as far as the wife on board thing. My wife thinks its a waste of money to buy weapons. then have to buy ammo, range pass, time to shoot, etc. but over the years she has understood that there is a slight necessity for firearms. personal protection, competition, hobby/past time target shooting etc.

    i actually had the M&P 15-22 on the mind for the rifle of choice to start by boy out on. we looked at the cricket but figured he would eventually out grow in, then we would have kids rifle in the safe for no reason. atleast this way she can fire it, as well as me. it will never get old or outdated. just a 22lr AR-15. She is the one that went out and bought it for me, for a fathers day present. he told on her so i got it early. haha. it took a while for me as well, by my wife now picks up ammo for me if i need it, and gives her opinion on accessories, as well as future gun purchases. She wants to get a taurus or beretta .380 for personal carry.

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