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Thread: Why do I get suckered in....................

  1. #1
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    Why do I get suckered in....................

    Why is it that everytime someone asks if their newly purchased Oly is a POS on a forum and I give them honest opinion backed up with facts and a couple of tips to help it run more reliable; I get suckered into some some sort of dick swinging contest with some idiot who lives near the factory and has never seen a bad Oly. Purely based on his sampling of two, his and his buddies who broke a bolt, but Oly replaced it when they drove to the factory?
    I guess I can't help it, I just have a hard on for inferior junk.

    Sorry for the ramble, I just needed to vent.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by donr101395 View Post
    Why is it that everytime someone asks if their newly purchased Oly is a POS on a forum and I give them honest opinion backed up with facts and a couple of tips to help it run more reliable; I get suckered into some some sort of dick swinging contest with some idiot who lives near the factory and has never seen a bad Oly. Purely based on his sampling of two, his and his buddies who broke a bolt, but Oly replaced it when they drove to the factory?
    I guess I can't help it, I just have a hard on for inferior junk.

    Sorry for the ramble, I just needed to vent.

    You and me both. I feel your pain buddy. Seriously.

  3. #3
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    Internet "Experts" are everywhere.

  4. #4
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    What... Oly's ROCK. My friend's cousin's neighbor's little Sister's ex-husbands dad's girlfriend's husband had one, and he said it was good. Oly only had to replace the bolt a few times.

    Sorry couldn't help myself.

  5. #5
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    I go through phases of "why bother". Really it's the only answer. Starting to feel one of those phases coming on now, as frankly I just don't give a damn what "clips" some idiot puts on his M4 with a bipod and an airsoft "scope" on the carryhandle.

    Remember this; most people that ask for advice aren't actually looking for advice, they're looking for you to validate their foregone conclusion. Once you understand this, the reactions most people have to "advice" are clearly understood. Whether they've already bought that Oly, or only have $700 to buy an AR and found out that Oly was the only one they could afford, or their sister's boyfriend's brother is a cop and he suggested Oly.... the result is always the same. They had/have their mind made up before they ever ask the question, and what they really want is for you to tell them "hey, that's a GREAT idea".

    Easier just to move on and leave them be. It's not like they're watching YOUR back, right?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by rob_s View Post
    Remember this; most people that ask for advice aren't actually looking for advice, they're looking for you to validate their foregone conclusion. Once you understand this, the reactions most people have to "advice" are clearly understood.
    I agree completely.
    It takes two well informed individuals to have a nearly objective discussion about a topic.
    Jack Leuba
    Director of Sales
    Knight's Armament Company

  7. #7
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    Rob, F2S,
    Great perspective and advice. I also go through the "why bother", then a kid comes along. I know in the back of my mind he just wants his crappy purchase validated. I'm getting better about just keeping my pie hole shut, but sometimes I just can't help myslef.

  8. #8
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    Trust me don, I know what you mean. There's also a fine line between helpful advice and being overly critical, although that's more about the other person's "feelings" than anything else.

    What we're doing is better than the alternative, I suppose. When I was in grad school I had a professor that told us that he didn't want to teach us everything he could because he had spent years and years learning it and didn't think it was "fair" to just tell us without us having to work for it.

    Stupid as it sounds, I think implementing his view would save all of us a lot of trouble.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by rob_s View Post
    When I was in grad school I had a professor that told us that he didn't want to teach us everything he could because he had spent years and years learning it and didn't think it was "fair" to just tell us without us having to work for it.
    As much as I hate to say it, the guy might be onto something.

    We know what we have done to acquire the knowledge-base we have. Unfortunately, due to the anonymous nature of the 'net, nobody else does. If LAV went unnamed, he would have the same people telling him he doesn't know what he is talking about.

    However, since some of us have a well developed knowledge of a topic or concept as well as perspective, it becomes easier to identify good information.

    It is very easy to fall into the thought process that you are paying more for brand x simply due to name, when brand y is just as good, especially to those that are new to a subject. While there may be a little bit of extra $$ to the Pony over say LMT, the price difference between a Colt and DPMS is not all in roll-mark. It takes time and experience to really understand that.
    Jack Leuba
    Director of Sales
    Knight's Armament Company

  10. #10
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    It also helps to remember that a lot of these folks shoot (maybe) 1000 rounds a year

    So while they are dead wrong about "as good as"....they are probably right about "goood enough"

    Most of them would grab their scattergun in an emergency because....well ....

    Everyone knows a shotgun is the greatest HD weapon in the world....It has to be....I read it on the internet

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